My tonight just became free. My SHB MLTR came around and we ended up having a fight and she left early. Bummer.
Anyway, I've been working on my Social Circle club game so I've been hitting up this super hot club. It's Friday night and I meet up with two new wings at a pre-club bar nearby. Pretty swanky place. My wings are still relatively new to the game so they like to see demos (who doesn't?) and are pretty impressed by the stuff I'm doing. It's funny, once this becomes part of who you are you it's easy to forget how fucking awesome it really is to cold approach a cute girl, make out and fuck her.
Now when I'm going out I ask myself 'OK, so what am I going to put into practise tonight'. Maybe I'll do a 20 minute review of some material, load it up into the front of my brain and head out. Tonight I'm making the effort to lock down a small handful of routines. I just picked three. It's really the main area I feel I'm lacking, the only blockage in my 'sex pipe'. Everything else is great so a bit of random, funny/flirty content in the bag should see a multiplier effect on my results.
We enter the bar. I open a few sets:
1. Girl on couch, C>5. Opened with 'drunk I love you's'. Opened well then vibed a bit. Milked the opener but who gives a fuck. Just opened the first girl I saw when I walked into the venue, she was OK, maybe a 5. Nice little warm up set.
2. My wing met a 2 set he knew. C>5. We both took one each and chatted for a while. These girls were really drunk and whilst easy to talk to they were kinda sloppy so we just kept it friendly. I don't want to game my mates social circles too hard and fuck things up for them as I've done twice in the last few months. One of them though I had attraction and I went for a kiss, but she shyed away. In hindsight should have done it in a more isolated position, but hey, it's fun doing that stuff now and gets me in state. I know I'm not a pussy.
3. Seated group of Asian girl accountants celebrating a birthday, C>5. One of these girls was kinda cute, but most of them seemed pretty boring. Whilst vibing with these girls (no routines) some other girl comes over and rests her head on my lap! I start stroking her hair whilst still talking to these Asian girls.
4. I then look over at this group of girls drunk girls. There's about five of them, all starring at me, all a bit sloshed, on a girls night out and definately up for some cock. They're all somewhat attractive but older, maybe mid to late 30's. I'm such a fussy prick, but 35 is just too old for me when you're used to banging 21-24 year olds (I'm 31). Even this one 29 year old girl I'm banging is on the bit too old side. She's a smoker though, that probably makes her look older too. There was this one cuter Czech girl in the group, chatted with her a bit. She said her name was Lanka. I said she sounded like a character out of Street Fighter II. We laughed and vibed a bit, but the cutest girl was also the most reserved so I left. Thinking back now I should have pushed more.
5. C<5, B(?). On the way out I saw this super hot indian girl heading to the bathroom. I waited out the front to catch her on the way back and opened this young 9 - a moving target. Pretty high difficulty rating. She tried to brush me off and walk through me after the opener but I plowed. She eventually stopped and listened, I got the whole thing out, then ran a transition (cold read - are you a primary school teacher? You've got this 'save the world' vibe about yourself). I think I tried just one more routine and almost hooked her, but as she saw that look on my face that I was access my internal database of what to say next she 'had to go as she was leaving'. Still pretty happy I didn't wuss out on that one as that was tough. A little more content naturalised and slighty higher energy level and I reckon I could have had that one.
I notice one of my wings is just choding about and not opening, so I go over to give a little push. He's barely opened anyone. I'm playing coach tonight so I instruct him to open this real easy set. He says he's all locked up and he can't. I tell him just go ask the time then, it's easy as shit. He does this and gets a flat out 'I don't have a watch on' from a seated 9. I look at him and say at least it's a start. I get him to do this one more time just as a warm up.
We then walk over to the high end club. Ask the time guy knows all the bouncers so it's VIP entry for us, straight in, free entry for him and discounted for us.
Now this place is smoking. 9's and 10's everywhere. The cities hottest venue, plush red carpet, chandeliers imported from Italy, marble bar, leather seats, a baby grand piano, the works. It's a noisy venue and my real strength is in my verbal game, I still open verbally and ensure that I kino lots on the open too.
6. Disney two girls dancing. Used the Disney music opener. It worked well, they stopped dancing to talk. I ran a bit more, kino'd a bit, got her attracted then moved on. I walked past them not long after and overheard her friend excitedly ask 'So what did he say to you?'... nice!
7. 7 set of young hotties, all 9's. I open this one with a pretty cool tatoo on her back. Petite yet shapely, 21 year old, 5'6", blonde hair, green eyes. I found out later she's of Northern Italian decent. Nice. I approached from the side, asked her what her tatto said. Good thing she was a friendly girl as that was a pretty weak situational opener. Still, it worked and we got chatting. I had to 90/10 this girl, she was receptive but not really making this convo happen. Not long after I look up and all of her friends had just disappeared!! Guess they just left us to get to know each other, which we did. I moved her to a seat and talked to her while kino'ing. Ran the cat routine, did the finger through her hair and the back of the neck. After a good 10 minutes of chatting I took her number, said she was cool and I know this great place I want to take her to on Sunday. She said that sounded fun. I made out with her and it was really great, a slow, sensual, passionate kiss. Not your usual sloppy club makeout. I took her downstairs for a dance. As we walked through the crowd I held out my hand and she firmly gripped it back, a nice little IOI. Dancing on a crowded dancefloor is a great excuse to hold her body close and grab her ass a bit. I let her rejoin her friends and decided to catch up with my wings.
I caught her again on her way out. I gave her a hug as she ended up leaving. She asked me to text her so she had my number.
I met up with the main club promoter. He recognised me from last week and we vibed a bit. He was super happy and friendly again. He asked me if I needed anything and if my card worked. I'm like 'what card?'. He gave me his email address and asked me to email him. Another mate of mine is a promoter and he gets paid in credit on this credit card thing he can use at the bar, so I'm assuming it's one of those deal. He said I can have my own guestlist and get free drinks, so even if it is a bit of a pyramid scheme thing what the hell, I'll send him and email. This is the 2nd time I've seen him now and both times he's been surrounded with 10's. They're starting to recognise me now from last week. Good.
I was kinda tired at this point but was going to game some more. I took a seat down to do a little re-asses and it just so happened I sat right with her other friends who were still at the bar. They were all totally 'Hey! We really like you! Our friend is really nice, you'll like her too!' I think if they had have busted me gaming new chicks I would have shot myself in the foot, so lucky! I was playing with my phone sending that email and they were like 'are you going to text her?'. I said, sure, I'll text her. What's something I can text her that only a close friend would know? They told me about another tatoo she has on her ankle. Promoter guy walks past and sees me with these young 9's. Also good, he can see I can offer value. I called it a night and headed off. On the way home I sent her a text about how I have psyhic powers and I can sense she has another other tatoo, and then guess it's general location and general design. She's responsed and is all amazed and like 'how did you know that!'. We texted back and forth and I went to bed.
She texts me the next day saying how she fell alseep and woke up with her mobile phone under her pillow with a half written text to me. At this point I'm like 'This girl is hooked, done diddly done for!'. Later that night I give her a call. She mentioned she wanted to head out but her friends were all hungover, so I said she should join me. She's asking me what the dress code is like and I mistakenly tell her she can wear anything. I told her to wear a skirt as I think she looks hot in it. She's says she's thinking jeans. Obviously a skirt is far better during the end game as you can fuck without even taking it off, whereas taking off jeans are a major state break. I'm thinking to myself if this girl rocks up in a skirt it's on for sure.
I have her meet me at mine and then we head over to this live music venue where a friends band is playing. She in jeans, ah well, no biggy. Conversation is a little dry, but we have a nice time just getting to know each other and making out just a little. I didn't want to diffuse the sexual tension too much by making out too much, a classic beginners mistake. There were loads of alternative 'band' hotties out at the venue, I'm like damn I should have just had the day2 tomorrow and sarged tonight but either way it's good, this girl is super cute and I've got a red hot chance here. She was very compliant as far as leading her around the venue so after about 1.5 or so I just say that I've had enough of this and let's go. We head to the car.
I drive back to mine and head upstairs. It's 2am and we start making out on the bed. Progress is very slow and each major item of clothing is a road block. Overcome via wash rinse repeat. Even did a mini freeze out. She asks if I'm mad, I say 'nah, just thinking about food', and then start blabbing on about food for a bit. Then when she comes back for the affection I start taking it further. Took me ages to get those fucking jeans off though, they're the type that's almost painted on and you gotta peel off. I ended up doing it by having her lay on her stomach whilst I sit on top of her and girl her a back massage. She topless at this point. You see, the thing about my massages is that they start with the shoulders and get lower and lower... next thing I'm grinding her ass from behind with my hard cock. She's pushing back into me, panting and getting hornier. Nice, I now go for the jeans again and they come off. From there on in it's not that much harder, I just hump her whilst we're both in our undies and eventually they come off too and we're fucking. Such an awesome body, super slim but still curvey. I reckon she was one of the hottest girls at the club. By this time it's around 5am so I invite her to sleep over and I can take her to this awesome breakfast place and she accepts. We have a little hug and she's stroking my hand with her fingers. This girl is 10 years younger than me and is super hot. Life is great.
Next morning we wake and fuck again. Gold. Gripping her by her little waist my hands are about as far apart as holding a basketball. Wish I could have slept in more, but I woke with a boner and just wanted to ram her again (I read this is because testosterone levels are highest in the morning). I take her to my favourite little breakfast place and we do a little window shopping at the various quirky shops I was going to take her to on my Day 2. We stop at a garage sale on the way and have fun checking out the junk some people try to sell. Like anyone is going to buy a broken typewritter. We grab some sweet pastry snacks at this Jewish bakery, cruise around a bit in the car, I run a few errands and then we both go home for a 'nap'. I try to fuck her again but she's not up for it. I decide not to push it, we've had an awesome time, she's probably a little sore (as was I) so we just cuddle. I've got dinner with friends and she has to work so we depart 6pm.
Monday I get a text 'Thinking of you

- Going out with wings boosts my game. I step into the 'coach' persona and open more and harder than I would normally. I'm also applying my own material more, cause what kind of fuckwit tells instructs people to do stuff he doesn't do himself? A recommended way of improving your results once you get better.
- Just gotta keep doing approaches and one will eventually hit. This time it only took 7. Still should have went for 10 but it's all still good.
Now I know why I don't write up all these fuckers! That above thing took me 2 hours!! Probably doesn't need to be so detailed but I'm a detail man.
Hope you enjoyed it.
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