Saturday, May 21

The importance of nutrition

One of my colleagues Jake P just posted up his health results up in his 30/30 club thread.  He went from 18% BF down to 13% in around 6 months.  This is great stuff.

A while ago I thought to myself - am I gonna be a fat cunt my whole life (well, a guy who has a bit of a tummy), or am I gonna be looking like a guy who is at his peak.  Hitting 30 is a big turning point, as Brad once said to me it's a very slippery slope after that.

After having already achieved success in relationships and wealth, I took the time out to focus on my health.  I've been working out regularly with a great personal trainer for a good two years now, and my results have been pretty good.  I've put on several Kgs of muscle and cms around my chest and arms, and have lost Kgs of fat and cms around my waist.

One huge turning point only about 6 months ago was properly understanding NUTRITION!  It really is 70-80% of your results.  I was doing 4 to 5 intense 1 hour PT sessions per week yet wasn't making the progress most would think that kind of training should produce. 

I was that guy who had a protein shake after a workout, thought that was enough and went on to eat out pretty much every single lunch and dinner (and breakfasts on weekends).  I used to think that getting to have a leisurely meal out with friends at nice places all the time was a reward for success, although obviously this is a belief that'll prevent me from ever having a six pack.  It became the norm, not the special occasion it should be.

There is an endless amount of information on what to eat, how often, etc, on the net or from friends.  Some of it is good and some of it is bullshit.

The best, no BS, completely free site I know of on the net is  This opinion is from months of research, talking with my Personal Trainer (who trained elite athletes at the Australian Institute of Sport) and a few serious body building friends (one of which is a full time male model with a slim, ripped build).  The stupid thing was they were all telling me this all along however I wasn't ready to 'receive' that information.

Anyway, checkout the site.  It's awesome.

The YouTube videos where he shows you how to cook the simple, quick, healthy meals were particularly helpful (especially for someone who is really busy).  Oh, and they're really cheap too.  The frozen banana shakes are also really delicious, try them out.

Dale P.