What have I been up to? Well, I took on a juicy contract with a fancy software company that saw me flying around the country non-stop. So financially things have been well, although obviously this had an impact on my free time.
The last extension has me finishing up today. I just received another offer through till early April 2011 which I'm going to have a think about over the festive break.
I've also been travelling with my iPad. This is an amazing device for reading stuff, but not much fun writing anything longer than a one line email or status update. As a result I have been keeping up to date but not so much forum or blog posting.
As you can imagine plenty has happened and I've got loads of stories to tell you about.
The infamous same night MFFFF 5 some report
The big breakup
German girl in Vegas
Deaf Brazillian girl
South America, Argentina and Brazil (Florinapolis)
German girl in Brazil
Australian girl in Brazil - locked up abroad
These reports are the closest thing I have to a personal journal and I do enjoy writing them and reading them down the track. Problem is though I'm such a perfectionsit bastard I spent too much time writing them up. I'm aiming for two a month, let's see how 2011 goes.
Have a great Christmas.
Dale P.
Wednesday, December 22
Friday, September 10
Dale P. is in LA!
Hey guys what's up.
Just a quick note to say I'm in LA for a couple weeks to do a bit of coaching with Brad, Jake and the boys.
I've already met with some of the Pickup Mansion students...if you're in the LA area hopefully I'll catch you around soon.
Just a quick note to say I'm in LA for a couple weeks to do a bit of coaching with Brad, Jake and the boys.
I've already met with some of the Pickup Mansion students...if you're in the LA area hopefully I'll catch you around soon.
Friday, August 6
Great article - 'Why It Is Wise to Worship a Woman'
Hey guys,
Just read this article on Huffington Post. It's a great read - especially the part about stepping through the gates. Highly recommended.
Enjoy. As always I'd like to hear your comments.
Dale P.
Just read this article on Huffington Post. It's a great read - especially the part about stepping through the gates. Highly recommended.
Step through another gate with your commitment, with your attention, with the small seedlings of devotion, and she'll open her heart to you more. She'll share with you her insecurities, the way that she's been hurt, her deepest longings. Some men will back away at this point. They realize that the price they must pay to go deeper is more than they are willing to give. They start to feel a responsibility. But for those few who step though another gate, they come to discover her loyalty, her willingness to stick with you no matter what, her willingness to raise your children, stick up for you in conversation, and, if you are lucky, even pick up your dirty socks now and then. And so it goes on. You've got the gist by now.
Enjoy. As always I'd like to hear your comments.
Dale P.
Friday, July 9
'Results anxiety' and having realistic expectations
Just got a newsletter the other day from one of the larger dating coach companies and had to write this blog post.
You see, as per 99% of the marketing out there, it's my gut feel this company exaggerates their student success rate.
I'm not going to name names, and hell, it's a pretty hard thing to prove either way so what's the point.
My purpose here is not to bag out some other mob. I've got more productive things to do with my time.
My purpose here is to dispel any unrealistic views on what you can expect from pick up and to spare you from the stress that these views will give you.
You see, it's a personal gripe for me because once upon a time I fell for it myself. Back in 2007 I reached a stage where I was getting some really good results. Sure, I wasn't perfect. I laid 20 girls that year and they were some cute/cool girls, but they weren't the model looking girls I saw plastered all over the dating company websites. I wasn't at the stage where I could walk into a club, say a few things, snap my fingers and walk out with the hottest 10 each week.
So I started to wonder. Well, I started to more than wonder. I started to experience 'results anxiety'. Damn, from what I was reading these dudes are out there and they are OWNING it and having threesomes with models, and here I was, standing around with my cock in my hand back in Australia laying an 8 once or twice a month.
So I made the trek to LA to see what I could learn.
Whilst there I got the chance to sarge with some celebrity PUAs. Most of them were really cool guys and I ended up coming friends with some. Now, as expected, these guys had seriously awesome game, although anyone thinking gurus have MLTRs with penthouse pets are dreaming.
My biggest realisation during my time there was that I had some unrealistic views on what success in this area looks like.
Here are some real world results I've personally verified:
Bootcamp with Company 1 - 8 guys, 3 instructors, regular 3 day/night course
Results - 3 students had makeouts, one had a lay 2 days later from a girl met on course (note, this was a pretty advanced student).
Bootcamp with Company 2 - 6 guys, 2 live-in instructors, 14 days straight teaching and traveling around.
Results - Had girls back home a few times but zero lays.
Bootcamp with Company 3 - 2 guys, 1 instructor, regular 3 day/night course
Results - both students had makeouts, 1 got laid, 1 got to 3rd base (both advanced students).
Bootcamp with Company 4 - 3 guys, 2 instructors, regular 3 day/night course
Results - one advanced student had a few makeouts.
All those companies are big name companies you probably have heard of.
I'm sure if you do a bit of detective work you'll find similar stories. So any claims about %'s of students getting laid that are wildly different to the above - do take with a huge grain of salt.
Contact actual guys who went on the course and speak to them if possible. Anyone whose only source of information about a company you take is from an online forum that same company owns, moderates and censors... well... don't be surprised if you're let down later on.
So when the Underground Dating Seminar took 6 guys out in Chicago on a regular 2-3 day workshop and 4 of them got laid off cold approach - that's something REALLY special. Seems like many companies are claiming this all the time.
You were probably attracted to our teachings because of our 'no-BS marketing' and raw approach in the first place. Sure, we've got the flashy website now but for years it was pretty basic. As a boutique operation our company prides itself on great results and integrity and there is no exaggeration in our field reports or marketing.
We get amazing results with students at a consistent rate, but we're not going to delude them. We're only setting them up for disappointment if we did.
Dale P.
Monday, June 21
Guest LR from Sharky - 'Texta girl'
Got a guest blog post for you today. This one is from Sharky, one of the 30/30 boys. He's about 1/2 way through now and just had his first same night lay since joining! A real cute girl too.
Over to Sharky...
Mate this is awesome stuff. Sounds like you had a great time and she had a great time. This is what it's all about in my opinion. How many girls go through life without ever being able to experience their fantasies for real?
Being able to do these is a great skill to have. Knowing that you can go out, meet a girl for the first time and end up having a mutually pleasurable experience is a wonderful feeling. Giving a girl a great experience will mean she's not going to forget you in a hurry. Sometimes good sex can be hard to find for girls (sure... plenty of bad sex is around on offer from the wrong types of guys).
Sharky is a dedicated student who is now starting to enjoy the results of his hard work he's put in over the past 6 months. Keep up the good work and don't forget that photo next time! ;)
Dale P.
Over to Sharky...
LR: Texta girl (aka Marker girl for our US readers - Dale P.).
I went out with a work mate and some of his friends. After watching them get very drunk I bailed from the cock-laden sports bar and walked to a venue that promised lots of girls. The place was packed; I walked in and cruised around checking what was on offer.
Upstairs was mainly guys watching the world cup soccer so I headed back down to the bar and dance floor area. I saw a real cute, slightly bitchy looking girl leaning against a pole and though it would be good to start with a blow out to pump my state, which wasn’t exactly high after being around a few drunk guys for the past 2 hours.
Opened with a blend of Brad’s Disney opener, which kind of morphed into Glenn P’s version of it. The bitchyness melted away and the conversation went sexual very quick. I had just listened to the 30/30 month 7 cd’s so had that on my mind and some of the topics made for great early sexual conversation. I was also experimenting with mentally escalating her with dirty talk. We moved away from the noise and the conversation got a lot more personal. I made a few cold reads, which were spot on. Logistics were perfect as she was a lone wolf and had just bailed on a hens night. I made her sit on her hands and continued, we seemed to have everything in common and it reached a point where she couldn’t take it anymore and grabbed me and started making out. After about 20 more minutes of talking and escalating, she was so hot and bothered she dragged me to the dance floor so she could get more physical. I didn’t let this go on for to long before I pulled her head back by her hair and said, come with me right in her ear. I then walked her outside and jumped in a cab to my place.
Once there I threw her on my bed and started building the sexual tension. I told her to tell me about her sexual fantasies, slowly and in as much detail as she could. She told me about how she loved the feeling of a nikko pen on her skin and that she wanted to be drawn on, all over her body. I told her that I would be back in a minute and when I returned she was to have nothing on but her bra and panties.
I left my room and found a massive blue marking pen. When I got back she was exactly how I told her to be. I then proceeded to slowly draw all over her, writing dirty stuff, my name, coloring in random areas and she loved it. She moaned when I ran the pen down her ass crack and up the front over her clit (she still had her panties on). I was having lots of fun and laughing to myself . We then had sex, slept for a while and woke up for round two. The following morning she couldn’t believe that she had told me about her fantasy and that I had done it, she said she would remember it forever!
After lying around and talking for a few hours while I played with her amazing boobs that barely fit in a d cup, I drove her home and dropped her at her parents place, covered in blue pen and missing her underwear! I later found these after cleaning up the clothes and crap that were thrown around my room, they are covered in blue pen, what a reminder for a crazy night.
This was my first SNL since joining 30/30 and the third girl I have closed in the month since my 1 on 1 with Dale. I am behind on my approaches for the month but that’s ok, because my interactions are going a lot further now, which is what its all about. I’ll finish this months approaches this week then move onto the next month of the program.
Mate this is awesome stuff. Sounds like you had a great time and she had a great time. This is what it's all about in my opinion. How many girls go through life without ever being able to experience their fantasies for real?
Being able to do these is a great skill to have. Knowing that you can go out, meet a girl for the first time and end up having a mutually pleasurable experience is a wonderful feeling. Giving a girl a great experience will mean she's not going to forget you in a hurry. Sometimes good sex can be hard to find for girls (sure... plenty of bad sex is around on offer from the wrong types of guys).
Sharky is a dedicated student who is now starting to enjoy the results of his hard work he's put in over the past 6 months. Keep up the good work and don't forget that photo next time! ;)
Dale P.
Tuesday, April 27
LR - Black belt ninja shit
This is a bit of a weird LR, I feel uncomfortable about writing it up.
I went out with SHBPrimary and her best friend. Her best friend had just starting seeing this new guy and we were meeting up with him and his friends. The venue was an inner city pub with live music that's popular with backpackers and bogans.
‘His friends’ included two other guys and another, rather young, cute, girl who I’ll call HBNorway. We all met and vibed well. It soon became apparent that HBNorway was keen on meeting a man tonight. She (like many girls) thought she’d leverage SHBPrimarys looks ask her to hit up the dance floor to find someone. I stayed and chatted with the guys instead.
A while later HBNorway and SHBPrimary rejoined us with a little fan club in tow. I’m guessing HBNorway had a dancefloor make out with this reasonably good looking but rather drunk guy. He didn’t speak much nor did he come across as an intellectual type (if you know what I mean). SHBPrimary introduced me as her boyfriend to the other orbiters and they all disappeared. The drunk guy stayed around, swaying whilst drinking water 'Ooohhh, better slow down on the booze, I'm gunna need to get it up later!' thinking that he was in with HBNorway. Clever guys like us know that it was just too early in the night for a pull, plus he had no idea (nor ability in his state) on logistics.
At this stage SHBPrimary was in an upset state. She suffers from a bit of anxiety and can be uptight. It can cause her to become flustered at times. To be fair to her she annoyed at two main things, firstly being continuously hit on and groped at in a very sloppy and aggressive on the dancefloor (lots of guys ‘bumping into her’ and having a little feel whilst trying to ‘get past her’) and secondly she was pissed off at her best friend because she shared a joint and was messy from that and too much booze.
SHBPrimary said she had had enough of this place, was tired and wanted to leave. I was having a great time so I was trying to convince her to stay a little longer. She didn’t want to. She was fed up, pissed off, so she left and stormed off to her car. I followed out asking her to stay and we ended up having an argument. She is a magnificently hot, lovely and wholesome girl, although her inability to just ‘be cool’ at times is a constant source of stress in our relationship. She can get sulky or distressed and fly off the handle (publicly) at things she ‘deems inappropriate’ and this really pisses me off. A book I read on female psychology says this is typical of a girl with lower self esteem. I’m not asking her to partake in or even be totally OK with any illicit or otherwise ‘unacceptable’ activities (such as me being friends with an ex), I’d just prefer she didn’t act like a stupid whiny 16 year old about the whole situation. In the end I just said, ‘Fine, see you later then’ and she drove home. She was supposed to be staying the night at mine. Ah well.
I rejoined the others. At the news of SHBPrimary leaving HBNorways eyes widened. Almost instantly she was all over me, touchy, flirty. This was all well and good - hey, she was a nice and fun girl to talk with, but I can’t have this going on in front of SHBPrimary’s best friend and her boyfriend.
I asked HBNorway for some chewing gum. She only had one piece left so I suggested we half it. She said ‘Sure, we can do that, I can't fit the whole thing in my mouth usually’. SHBPrimarys best friend and her boyfriend rolled their eyes at this comment. This flirty was just way too over the top so I felt I had to shake my head in disapproval say to her ‘I can’t believe you just said that'. This was definitely a diss to her and I think she was hurt a bit by it. I should have just said ‘Hey, you can’t say things like that’ and gave her a flirty smile. I was a bit too harsh in my response to her.
A few minutes later she’s talking with some big AMOG guy. They were both right into each other, leaning in, touching each other, very flirty conversation. She’s obviously thought ‘well, I’m going to fuck some guy tonight, so I’ll just pick another one!’, and if this guy didn’t fuck anything up it would be him. At this stage I’m thinking to myself, damn, that girl was really hot, I had her and now she’s slipped through my fingers. If I were to do something I’d have to be really clever about this. I just couldn’t make a move in front of everyone.
Something inside me woke up. My inner ninja. When I first met her I noticed she was wearing a ring.
I re-opened her: 'Hey, so when I first saw you I saw this ring on your finger and thought you were engaged'.
HBNorway ‘No, that’s the wrong finger, if I were married it would be on this hand’.
Me: ‘Nah, I think you got it all wrong. It should be that finger’.
All the while I was using my body to cut out the AMOG. He tried to join into the conversation but I did the usual block out and ignore, ignore, ignore. His value was dropping as he just stood around.
She turned and squeezed AMOGs hand and nodded, signalling to him 'Don't worry, it's still on between me and you'.
The thing is this AMOG guy did have some game. He asked the same wedding ring question to moving 3 set of cute girls and merged them with us. Nice move. I thought ‘I’ve got to control this whole group now’, so I grabbed HBNorways hand, held it in the traditional wedding 'I do' pose and asked the 3 set 'So… if I take this ring off this finger and place it here…' ‘That’s right, YOU’RE MARRIED NOW!’ the 3 set chimed. 'OH NO!’, I cried, ‘I was tricked! Help me!! I only wanted to a one night stand!' HBNorway loved the joke and playfully hit and grabbed at me. That’s it, I’ve hooked her again. AMOG value, dropping…
At this stage AMOG tried to recover HBNorway 'Oh, your married, it's all over now!'. Acknowledging him for the first time and I look at him and say 'Yeah, it's all over...'. I had to bite my tongue not to add '...for you!'. This was a notoriously rough venue and I didn’t want to push it. During this whole performance I actually thought this guy was going to deck me – I’m no pushover but he was a pretty solid guy standing a good 3 inches taller than me.
He was still wandering around in the background with a confused look on his face. Time for my finishing move.
I thought I’d create a little emergency. SHBPrimary's best friend wasn't feeling well and couldn't be found.
Me: ‘HBNorway, we need your help! We can’t find SHBPrimaryBestFriend, she’s feeling really sick and we need you to check the female restrooms! Quick, she could be passed out somewhere!’
HBNorway jumps into action with a sense of urgency.
Me: ‘OK, lets go look for her this way’.
HBNorway turned to AMOG and started to explain how she’s sorry and she has to go. He number closed her. No worries I thought, you get the number, I’ll fuck her! He disappeared into the crowd.
I grabbed HBNorway’s hand and headed into the overcrowded dancefloor. She firmly grasped my hand in return. I guided her through the crowd with my hands around her waist. Once in the middle of the dancefloor in a sea of people I turned to her and said ‘Are you good at keeping secrets?’. She nodded, knowing what was about to happen. We then made out with each other just a little. She grabbed at my crotch and I felt up her breasts. I told her ‘OK, that’s all you get for now!’ and we headed back.
We found SHBPrimaryBestFriend and her boyfriend and were standing out the front where the taxi’s are. Her BF decided to take her for a walk to get some fresh air to help her feel better. At this stage I notice it's just me and HBNorway. This window of opportunity wasn’t going to last so I had to act quick. I grabbed HBNorway’s hand, pushed in front of a bunch of dudes that were waiting in line and jumped in a cab... ‘Sorry guys, my girlfriend is feeling really sick’. I quickly gave HBNorway a run down of what is going to happen. ‘OK, you’re coming to mine now – but if anyone asks, we just got really tired and
both caught our own taxi’s home’.
During the chat in the taxi on the way home HBNorway told me how she was impressed how I handled the logistics and orchestrated the whole thing.
I took her into my bedroom to show her this “DVD”. Yeah, it’s one of those DVD’s I can only play on the computer...
Since her buying temp was already high there was almost no LMR, other than ‘I’ll take my own pants off’. I can’t believe how loud she talks, I really thought my housemates overheard (which would be BAD because they’re friends with SHBPrimary). For such a cute petit girl she was VERY direct and dominant in the bedroom. ‘Fuck my pussy harder then come!’. Strange thing is I fucked her through her undies and she never let me take them off. Nor go down on her, her give me head, take off her top or do any other position other than missionary. A bit weird – maybe she was ‘saving’ those things to lure me into a relationship of sorts. I don’t know how the hell that would work, she’s well aware I’ve got stuff going on. Either that or she’s just not adventurous in the sack. I don’t think it was because she was self conscious – she’s got a pretty hot body.
That next day I felt pretty guilty.
On the bright side I pulled of some amazing black belt pickup shit. Disarmed an AMOG, attracted and laid a really hot girl, managed some really tricky logistics and nobody saw a thing. A real high point and a culmination of my skills and effort I’ve invested into this area.
The thing is when you’re with a SHB many times you can’t trust other guys to keep any of your ‘additional activities’ to themselves. Plenty of them would rat you out in a second if it meant getting closer to her, especially ones you don’t really know. For some guys it’s a simple matter of your value to them as a buddy and her value to them as a potential girlfriend. So unless you’re a damn good friend then you have to be careful.
On the downside I’m wondering if I’m too deep into this pickup thing. Fair enough, I was a little buzzed, but will I ever be happy enough with just one girl enough to raise a family? Was it a pride thing? – I just had to get that girl. What I did was pretty risky and the fallout would be massive.
Tried to call SHBPrimary last night, no answer. Will call her again today. As much as her stupid anxiety shit pisses me off I do love her deeply. I'm feeling massive guilt, it's one thing to pick up some girl and fuck her, it's another to do it to my girls friends' friends' friend when I'm out with her that night. HBNorway knows (and agrees) to keep this on the down low. To the best of my knowledge no one saw us so this should be cool.
I went out with SHBPrimary and her best friend. Her best friend had just starting seeing this new guy and we were meeting up with him and his friends. The venue was an inner city pub with live music that's popular with backpackers and bogans.
‘His friends’ included two other guys and another, rather young, cute, girl who I’ll call HBNorway. We all met and vibed well. It soon became apparent that HBNorway was keen on meeting a man tonight. She (like many girls) thought she’d leverage SHBPrimarys looks ask her to hit up the dance floor to find someone. I stayed and chatted with the guys instead.
A while later HBNorway and SHBPrimary rejoined us with a little fan club in tow. I’m guessing HBNorway had a dancefloor make out with this reasonably good looking but rather drunk guy. He didn’t speak much nor did he come across as an intellectual type (if you know what I mean). SHBPrimary introduced me as her boyfriend to the other orbiters and they all disappeared. The drunk guy stayed around, swaying whilst drinking water 'Ooohhh, better slow down on the booze, I'm gunna need to get it up later!' thinking that he was in with HBNorway. Clever guys like us know that it was just too early in the night for a pull, plus he had no idea (nor ability in his state) on logistics.
At this stage SHBPrimary was in an upset state. She suffers from a bit of anxiety and can be uptight. It can cause her to become flustered at times. To be fair to her she annoyed at two main things, firstly being continuously hit on and groped at in a very sloppy and aggressive on the dancefloor (lots of guys ‘bumping into her’ and having a little feel whilst trying to ‘get past her’) and secondly she was pissed off at her best friend because she shared a joint and was messy from that and too much booze.
SHBPrimary said she had had enough of this place, was tired and wanted to leave. I was having a great time so I was trying to convince her to stay a little longer. She didn’t want to. She was fed up, pissed off, so she left and stormed off to her car. I followed out asking her to stay and we ended up having an argument. She is a magnificently hot, lovely and wholesome girl, although her inability to just ‘be cool’ at times is a constant source of stress in our relationship. She can get sulky or distressed and fly off the handle (publicly) at things she ‘deems inappropriate’ and this really pisses me off. A book I read on female psychology says this is typical of a girl with lower self esteem. I’m not asking her to partake in or even be totally OK with any illicit or otherwise ‘unacceptable’ activities (such as me being friends with an ex), I’d just prefer she didn’t act like a stupid whiny 16 year old about the whole situation. In the end I just said, ‘Fine, see you later then’ and she drove home. She was supposed to be staying the night at mine. Ah well.
I rejoined the others. At the news of SHBPrimary leaving HBNorways eyes widened. Almost instantly she was all over me, touchy, flirty. This was all well and good - hey, she was a nice and fun girl to talk with, but I can’t have this going on in front of SHBPrimary’s best friend and her boyfriend.
I asked HBNorway for some chewing gum. She only had one piece left so I suggested we half it. She said ‘Sure, we can do that, I can't fit the whole thing in my mouth usually’. SHBPrimarys best friend and her boyfriend rolled their eyes at this comment. This flirty was just way too over the top so I felt I had to shake my head in disapproval say to her ‘I can’t believe you just said that'. This was definitely a diss to her and I think she was hurt a bit by it. I should have just said ‘Hey, you can’t say things like that’ and gave her a flirty smile. I was a bit too harsh in my response to her.
A few minutes later she’s talking with some big AMOG guy. They were both right into each other, leaning in, touching each other, very flirty conversation. She’s obviously thought ‘well, I’m going to fuck some guy tonight, so I’ll just pick another one!’, and if this guy didn’t fuck anything up it would be him. At this stage I’m thinking to myself, damn, that girl was really hot, I had her and now she’s slipped through my fingers. If I were to do something I’d have to be really clever about this. I just couldn’t make a move in front of everyone.
Something inside me woke up. My inner ninja. When I first met her I noticed she was wearing a ring.
I re-opened her: 'Hey, so when I first saw you I saw this ring on your finger and thought you were engaged'.
Me: ‘Nah, I think you got it all wrong. It should be that finger’.
All the while I was using my body to cut out the AMOG. He tried to join into the conversation but I did the usual block out and ignore, ignore, ignore. His value was dropping as he just stood around.
She turned and squeezed AMOGs hand and nodded, signalling to him 'Don't worry, it's still on between me and you'.
The thing is this AMOG guy did have some game. He asked the same wedding ring question to moving 3 set of cute girls and merged them with us. Nice move. I thought ‘I’ve got to control this whole group now’, so I grabbed HBNorways hand, held it in the traditional wedding 'I do' pose and asked the 3 set 'So… if I take this ring off this finger and place it here
At this stage AMOG tried to recover HBNorway 'Oh, your married, it's all over now!'. Acknowledging him for the first time and I look at him and say 'Yeah, it's all over...'. I had to bite my tongue not to add '...for you!'. This was a notoriously rough venue and I didn’t want to push it. During this whole performance I actually thought this guy was going to deck me – I’m no pushover but he was a pretty solid guy standing a good 3 inches taller than me.
He was still wandering around in the background with a confused look on his face. Time for my finishing move.
I thought I’d create a little emergency. SHBPrimary's best friend wasn't feeling well and couldn't be found.
Me: ‘HBNorway, we need your help! We can’t find SHBPrimaryBestFriend, she’s feeling really sick and we need you to check the female restrooms! Quick, she could be passed out somewhere!’
HBNorway jumps into action with a sense of urgency.
Me: ‘OK, lets go look for her this way’.
HBNorway turned to AMOG and started to explain how she’s sorry and she has to go. He number closed her. No worries I thought, you get the number, I’ll fuck her! He disappeared into the crowd.
I grabbed HBNorway’s hand and headed into the overcrowded dancefloor. She firmly grasped my hand in return. I guided her through the crowd with my hands around her waist. Once in the middle of the dancefloor in a sea of people I turned to her and said ‘Are you good at keeping secrets?’. She nodded, knowing what was about to happen. We then made out with each other just a little. She grabbed at my crotch and I felt up her breasts. I told her ‘OK, that’s all you get for now!’ and we headed back.
We found SHBPrimaryBestFriend and her boyfriend and were standing out the front where the taxi’s are. Her BF decided to take her for a walk to get some fresh air to help her feel better. At this stage I notice it's just me and HBNorway. This window of opportunity wasn’t going to last so I had to act quick. I grabbed HBNorway’s hand, pushed in front of a bunch of dudes that were waiting in line and jumped in a cab... ‘Sorry guys, my girlfriend is feeling really sick’. I quickly gave HBNorway a run down of what is going to happen. ‘OK, you’re coming to mine now – but if anyone asks, we just got really tired and
both caught our own taxi’s home’.
During the chat in the taxi on the way home HBNorway told me how she was impressed how I handled the logistics and orchestrated the whole thing.
I took her into my bedroom to show her this “DVD”. Yeah, it’s one of those DVD’s I can only play on the computer...
Since her buying temp was already high there was almost no LMR, other than ‘I’ll take my own pants off’. I can’t believe how loud she talks, I really thought my housemates overheard (which would be BAD because they’re friends with SHBPrimary). For such a cute petit girl she was VERY direct and dominant in the bedroom. ‘Fuck my pussy harder then come!’. Strange thing is I fucked her through her undies and she never let me take them off. Nor go down on her, her give me head, take off her top or do any other position other than missionary. A bit weird – maybe she was ‘saving’ those things to lure me into a relationship of sorts. I don’t know how the hell that would work, she’s well aware I’ve got stuff going on. Either that or she’s just not adventurous in the sack. I don’t think it was because she was self conscious – she’s got a pretty hot body.
That next day I felt pretty guilty.
On the bright side I pulled of some amazing black belt pickup shit. Disarmed an AMOG, attracted and laid a really hot girl, managed some really tricky logistics and nobody saw a thing. A real high point and a culmination of my skills and effort I’ve invested into this area.
The thing is when you’re with a SHB many times you can’t trust other guys to keep any of your ‘additional activities’ to themselves. Plenty of them would rat you out in a second if it meant getting closer to her, especially ones you don’t really know. For some guys it’s a simple matter of your value to them as a buddy and her value to them as a potential girlfriend. So unless you’re a damn good friend then you have to be careful.
On the downside I’m wondering if I’m too deep into this pickup thing. Fair enough, I was a little buzzed, but will I ever be happy enough with just one girl enough to raise a family? Was it a pride thing? – I just had to get that girl. What I did was pretty risky and the fallout would be massive.
Tried to call SHBPrimary last night, no answer. Will call her again today. As much as her stupid anxiety shit pisses me off I do love her deeply. I'm feeling massive guilt, it's one thing to pick up some girl and fuck her, it's another to do it to my girls friends' friends' friend when I'm out with her that night. HBNorway knows (and agrees) to keep this on the down low. To the best of my knowledge no one saw us so this should be cool.
Online Dating
I still had 16 'contact stamps' on this paid online dating website so I thought what the hell. Over the past week I had been sending virtual kisses (signs of interest, free to send) to a few girls on the site. Some replied, and I contacted those.
Right now I’ve got 4 new prospects in the pipe (i.e. on the phone, ready to meet up). This is more than enough to deal with at one time for me.
Once I’ve setup my profile, the formula I like to follow is this:
1. Email (include something specific so you don’t look like a cut n paste)
2. They email back
3. I email back with phone details and ask them to text me (takes the pressure off, it’s easy for a girl to send a text and then I get their number)
4. They text me and then I call them
5. Have a 20min or so chat, get to know them, then one of us will usually suggest to meet up.
I think it’s important to progress things quickly here. Online dating can be a big waste of time and some girls are on there without much real intention, motivation or courage to actually meet someone. You also don’t want to put in too much effort only to find out the girl is much larger / uglier than portrayed online or has intimacy issues. So you want to filter them in or out quickly. I like to get them on the phone as soon as I can (but not the first email because I think that appears a little too needy). If a girl isn’t willing to get on the phone then there is no hope on even meeting her.
I went through a little exercise and created a fake female profile on two sites. I learnt a lot from this.
The main things were:
a) any even remotely attractive woman gets bombarded with contact,
b) most of the guys on the sites are losers and
c) many of the emails are obvious generic cut and paste jobs
d) the sites communication model is important. A monthly payment for unlimited contacts system just results in mass spammage. A pay per contact system is much better.
Sources of online dates
Popular pay dating sites.
Pros – Girls can be more ‘serious’ about meeting up, More popular = more girls online.
Cons – Girl’s aren’t getting enough male attention offline, may mean they’re not all that. Costs money.
Free dating sites.
Pros – Free. Girls are somewhat serious about meeting up and the whole online dating thing.
Cons - Less popular means less users, not advertised on TV, usually clunkier to use.
Social Networking sites – Facebook, MySpace, etc.
Pros – Just about every girl is on one or both of these, including all the very hot ones. Easy to get a ‘Facebook close’.
Cons – Girls aren’t actively dating. Can be slow. Can be the low value wussy / creepy Facebook stalker.
Online special interest forums not relating to dating
Pros – Girls aren’t actively dating (i.e. not neces
Cons – very low chances
Motivations and profile of women on dating sites
It’s my experience most girls fall into one or more of the above categories. It's worth keeping these motivations in mind as they can help you calibrate.
As a result in my personal opinion it’s quite rare to find a young, high quality, attractive, sexual, confident smart woman (i.e a true 10) on the site and if you could she’d be flooded with contacts that she’d probably unsubscribe from it within a few days. A girl like this would have more than enough propositions day to day than she could handle. This is the case at least in Australia although there are always exceptions of course. I once found a very attractive flight attendant who was also a ballet dancer. We had 3 or 4 emails back and forth, all very positive, fun and flirty. Then unexpectedly she de-registered from the site before we had traded any contact information. A similar thing has happened 2 or 3 times now. Don’t let this happen to you!
A girl from out of town can be great. If you can give her a good time by showing her around to a few cool places, it’s a win-win. You can play tour guide. She gets to have an exciting time finding new places she wouldn’t have otherwise known about. Anyone who’s moved to a new town knows how much fun this can be.
A 30-35 ‘clocks ticking!’ good girl who is obviously looking for something long term can work, although it’s probably in neither of your bests interests to go for these girls unless you’re serious about something long term too. Don’t cross them off the list completely though, you can be their ‘sex toy’ whilst they’re looking for Mr Right. I’ve been with one, banged her within 2 hours and then she freaked out and had buyers remorse. She’s still keen on me but she keeps insisting on the ‘slow path’ (courting, etc). As I’m just interested in something physical (the sex was really good!) it’s ended up in a bit of a stalemate. Funny story – she sent me a text saying ‘I feel like a booty call’. To which I replied ‘Sure, come over’. She was actually saying that she felt like slut, not that she was up for some fun.
I much prefer the younger, 22-25 year olds who are just up for a new experiences.
The Report
I called a few to meet up on Sunday evening for a little 20 minute evaluation date. I tried to set 3 up. One didn’t answer, another was keen so we arranged to meet and another was a maybe.
I spent half an hour on the phone the two girls who did answer. This built comfort and helped me determine if they’re girls who I’d be interested in.
I headed down the street to meet up with SlimBlonde30. Just as I arrived about 3 minutes before we agreed I received a text saying she’s cut two of her fingers really bad and had to cancel. I texted back, 'No worries, another time. I'll be here just doing my shopping then so if things change in the next 30 get in touch'. She called a few minutes later to apologise profusely and insist it really happened. I told her to checkout the Slap Chop video on YouTube.
I did my weekly shopping and the 'maybe' girl texted me and said she's keen to meet. As she was without a car I drove around to pick her up. She was pretty cute, tall. She had nice skin and looked like she might be a 1/10th Asian or something.
I took her to this cool bar where they do amazing $4 pizzas. A casual place, ultra hip. I grabbed a couch where we could sit side by side to allow for some casual touching. Sexual talk, are you a good cook/rich/in bed?, point system – 'If you get 10 points you can see me again'. She asked 'What do I get if I get 100 points?', role reversals, lots of kino.
We had two drinks here, I bought the first, she bought the second round. I then thought I'd take her to another venue to create a greater number of imprints of us together (i.e. that we've known each other for longer than we actually have).
Whilst waiting at a traffic crossing I got right up close to her and gave her a little kiss. Just a teaser.
We had another drink at venue 2 on plush seats next to the fireplace. During this time I was talking up my apartment, how it's 50's style, it's view, etc.
We walked back to the car and I just started driving to my place. Only about halfway there she asked 'So where are we heading?' I said 'To check out the view!'. She said 'Oh, I can't remember us saying we'll go there but sounds good'. Lead, lead, lead. I also dropped in ‘Can’t stay long, have to work next day’.
Put on my Bobby Womack station on Last.fm and grabbed us both a drink. Then we had the usual tour of house which starts with the balcony for another very quick kiss and ends in bedroom.
From there it was pretty straightforward, she sat on the bed and was an active participant in the process. I have a new thing where I say 'OK I'll let you up on my bed just for a few minutes but only if you take your boots off' (as if she just asked to come on my bed). Wash rinse repeat x 3-4. Agreed with her, ‘Yeah, I was about to say that, no sex tonight’.
Once she stopped and said ‘Why do you want to sleep with me? You don’t even know me.’ That was interesting that she vocalised what so many girls are thinking at this point. They need a reason other than the fact that they have a vagina, otherwise you’re just a guy who’ll fuck anything (i.e. a guy who doesn’t have standards). This is what is meant by qualification (i.e. letting her know why she’s won you over), a step I hadn’t consciously executed. Actually, I wasn’t consciously executing anything. This whole pickup was natural and auto pilot, I had already fucked other girls so many times on the weekend my dick was sore so I wasn’t even really caring if we hooked up or not. It's nice to be with a girl who knows what she wants. She came, I came, good times.
In summary, gaming girls online can be the lazy mans method and there is no need to approach. You can also do it at work. It's also a good way for getting practise dates if you can’t get any or a few girls in the rotation if you need some more. The downsides are that it's inefficient and can easily be a waste of time and energy. Can plan a nice day 2 for a girl who turns out to be fat / ugly / boring / non-sexual / psycho or all of the above. Also, the chances of getting an all round 10 are on the low side, although it's possible. Having said all that, of those girls I have met up with and wanted to sleep with I've had a huge success rate, although that's pretty similar with other methods of meeting girls.
It is MUCH more efficient to cold approach (or social circle for that matter). You know they're hot straight away and after a little chat you can quickly get an idea if they're interesting and/or sexual, rather than it being long drawn out process of courting via email. I think online supplements other methods nicely but not to be relied on as your only source for meeting women. In cold approach you separate yourselves from the masses of guys who simply don't have the balls which gives you a big advantage. Online can also cost money, where cold approach can be free. I feel I'm only good at this as I’ve mastered all other steps.
Keen to hear anyone elses tips, thoughts, experiences - add a comment below!
Dale P.
Right now I’ve got 4 new prospects in the pipe (i.e. on the phone, ready to meet up). This is more than enough to deal with at one time for me.
Once I’ve setup my profile, the formula I like to follow is this:
1. Email (include something specific so you don’t look like a cut n paste)
2. They email back
3. I email back with phone details and ask them to text me (takes the pressure off, it’s easy for a girl to send a text and then I get their number)
4. They text me and then I call them
5. Have a 20min or so chat, get to know them, then one of us will usually suggest to meet up.
I think it’s important to progress things quickly here. Online dating can be a big waste of time and some girls are on there without much real intention, motivation or courage to actually meet someone. You also don’t want to put in too much effort only to find out the girl is much larger / uglier than portrayed online or has intimacy issues. So you want to filter them in or out quickly. I like to get them on the phone as soon as I can (but not the first email because I think that appears a little too needy). If a girl isn’t willing to get on the phone then there is no hope on even meeting her.
I went through a little exercise and created a fake female profile on two sites. I learnt a lot from this.
The main things were:
a) any even remotely attractive woman gets bombarded with contact,
b) most of the guys on the sites are losers and
c) many of the emails are obvious generic cut and paste jobs
d) the sites communication model is important. A monthly payment for unlimited contacts system just results in mass spammage. A pay per contact system is much better.
Sources of online dates
Popular pay dating sites.
Pros – Girls can be more ‘serious’ about meeting up, More popular = more girls online.
Cons – Girl’s aren’t getting enough male attention offline, may mean they’re not all that. Costs money.
Free dating sites.
Pros – Free. Girls are somewhat serious about meeting up and the whole online dating thing.
Cons - Less popular means less users, not advertised on TV, usually clunkier to use.
Social Networking sites – Facebook, MySpace, etc.
Pros – Just about every girl is on one or both of these, including all the very hot ones. Easy to get a ‘Facebook close’.
Cons – Girls aren’t actively dating. Can be slow. Can be the low value wussy / creepy Facebook stalker.
Online special interest forums not relating to dating
Pros – Girls aren’t actively dating (i.e. not neces
Cons – very low chances
Motivations and profile of women on dating sites
- Validation / Boredom (usually these are time wasters, many times low self esteem)
- Lonely (new to area)
- Has a lifestyle where she is exposed to little suitable men (a small or female dominated workplace, girl is not very social, perhaps a suburban girl with a boring suburban job)
- Getting older, bio clock is ticking – woman hits 30 or 35.
- Doesn’t have guys approach them in bars, clubs at work or on the street (i.e. unattractive).
- Girl is highly sexual and looking to get laid
- Girl is looking for ‘her soulmate’ and doesn’t like bars / clubs.
It’s my experience most girls fall into one or more of the above categories. It's worth keeping these motivations in mind as they can help you calibrate.
As a result in my personal opinion it’s quite rare to find a young, high quality, attractive, sexual, confident smart woman (i.e a true 10) on the site and if you could she’d be flooded with contacts that she’d probably unsubscribe from it within a few days. A girl like this would have more than enough propositions day to day than she could handle. This is the case at least in Australia although there are always exceptions of course. I once found a very attractive flight attendant who was also a ballet dancer. We had 3 or 4 emails back and forth, all very positive, fun and flirty. Then unexpectedly she de-registered from the site before we had traded any contact information. A similar thing has happened 2 or 3 times now. Don’t let this happen to you!
A girl from out of town can be great. If you can give her a good time by showing her around to a few cool places, it’s a win-win. You can play tour guide. She gets to have an exciting time finding new places she wouldn’t have otherwise known about. Anyone who’s moved to a new town knows how much fun this can be.
A 30-35 ‘clocks ticking!’ good girl who is obviously looking for something long term can work, although it’s probably in neither of your bests interests to go for these girls unless you’re serious about something long term too. Don’t cross them off the list completely though, you can be their ‘sex toy’ whilst they’re looking for Mr Right. I’ve been with one, banged her within 2 hours and then she freaked out and had buyers remorse. She’s still keen on me but she keeps insisting on the ‘slow path’ (courting, etc). As I’m just interested in something physical (the sex was really good!) it’s ended up in a bit of a stalemate. Funny story – she sent me a text saying ‘I feel like a booty call’. To which I replied ‘Sure, come over’. She was actually saying that she felt like slut, not that she was up for some fun.
I much prefer the younger, 22-25 year olds who are just up for a new experiences.
The Report
I called a few to meet up on Sunday evening for a little 20 minute evaluation date. I tried to set 3 up. One didn’t answer, another was keen so we arranged to meet and another was a maybe.
I spent half an hour on the phone the two girls who did answer. This built comfort and helped me determine if they’re girls who I’d be interested in.
I headed down the street to meet up with SlimBlonde30. Just as I arrived about 3 minutes before we agreed I received a text saying she’s cut two of her fingers really bad and had to cancel. I texted back, 'No worries, another time. I'll be here just doing my shopping then so if things change in the next 30 get in touch'. She called a few minutes later to apologise profusely and insist it really happened. I told her to checkout the Slap Chop video on YouTube.
I did my weekly shopping and the 'maybe' girl texted me and said she's keen to meet. As she was without a car I drove around to pick her up. She was pretty cute, tall. She had nice skin and looked like she might be a 1/10th Asian or something.
I took her to this cool bar where they do amazing $4 pizzas. A casual place, ultra hip. I grabbed a couch where we could sit side by side to allow for some casual touching. Sexual talk, are you a good cook/rich/in bed?, point system – 'If you get 10 points you can see me again'. She asked 'What do I get if I get 100 points?', role reversals, lots of kino.
We had two drinks here, I bought the first, she bought the second round. I then thought I'd take her to another venue to create a greater number of imprints of us together (i.e. that we've known each other for longer than we actually have).
Whilst waiting at a traffic crossing I got right up close to her and gave her a little kiss. Just a teaser.
We had another drink at venue 2 on plush seats next to the fireplace. During this time I was talking up my apartment, how it's 50's style, it's view, etc.
We walked back to the car and I just started driving to my place. Only about halfway there she asked 'So where are we heading?' I said 'To check out the view!'. She said 'Oh, I can't remember us saying we'll go there but sounds good'. Lead, lead, lead. I also dropped in ‘Can’t stay long, have to work next day’.
Put on my Bobby Womack station on Last.fm and grabbed us both a drink. Then we had the usual tour of house which starts with the balcony for another very quick kiss and ends in bedroom.
From there it was pretty straightforward, she sat on the bed and was an active participant in the process. I have a new thing where I say 'OK I'll let you up on my bed just for a few minutes but only if you take your boots off' (as if she just asked to come on my bed). Wash rinse repeat x 3-4. Agreed with her, ‘Yeah, I was about to say that, no sex tonight’.
Once she stopped and said ‘Why do you want to sleep with me? You don’t even know me.’ That was interesting that she vocalised what so many girls are thinking at this point. They need a reason other than the fact that they have a vagina, otherwise you’re just a guy who’ll fuck anything (i.e. a guy who doesn’t have standards). This is what is meant by qualification (i.e. letting her know why she’s won you over), a step I hadn’t consciously executed. Actually, I wasn’t consciously executing anything. This whole pickup was natural and auto pilot, I had already fucked other girls so many times on the weekend my dick was sore so I wasn’t even really caring if we hooked up or not. It's nice to be with a girl who knows what she wants. She came, I came, good times.
In summary, gaming girls online can be the lazy mans method and there is no need to approach. You can also do it at work. It's also a good way for getting practise dates if you can’t get any or a few girls in the rotation if you need some more. The downsides are that it's inefficient and can easily be a waste of time and energy. Can plan a nice day 2 for a girl who turns out to be fat / ugly / boring / non-sexual / psycho or all of the above. Also, the chances of getting an all round 10 are on the low side, although it's possible. Having said all that, of those girls I have met up with and wanted to sleep with I've had a huge success rate, although that's pretty similar with other methods of meeting girls.
It is MUCH more efficient to cold approach (or social circle for that matter). You know they're hot straight away and after a little chat you can quickly get an idea if they're interesting and/or sexual, rather than it being long drawn out process of courting via email. I think online supplements other methods nicely but not to be relied on as your only source for meeting women. In cold approach you separate yourselves from the masses of guys who simply don't have the balls which gives you a big advantage. Online can also cost money, where cold approach can be free. I feel I'm only good at this as I’ve mastered all other steps.
Keen to hear anyone elses tips, thoughts, experiences - add a comment below!
Dale P.
LR: Working on club game, got cold approach lay, blonde hair + green eyes. Yum.
Haven't written a LR in ages so I figured it's about time.
My tonight just became free. My SHB MLTR came around and we ended up having a fight and she left early. Bummer.
Anyway, I've been working on my Social Circle club game so I've been hitting up this super hot club. It's Friday night and I meet up with two new wings at a pre-club bar nearby. Pretty swanky place. My wings are still relatively new to the game so they like to see demos (who doesn't?) and are pretty impressed by the stuff I'm doing. It's funny, once this becomes part of who you are you it's easy to forget how fucking awesome it really is to cold approach a cute girl, make out and fuck her.
Now when I'm going out I ask myself 'OK, so what am I going to put into practise tonight'. Maybe I'll do a 20 minute review of some material, load it up into the front of my brain and head out. Tonight I'm making the effort to lock down a small handful of routines. I just picked three. It's really the main area I feel I'm lacking, the only blockage in my 'sex pipe'. Everything else is great so a bit of random, funny/flirty content in the bag should see a multiplier effect on my results.
We enter the bar. I open a few sets:
1. Girl on couch, C>5. Opened with 'drunk I love you's'. Opened well then vibed a bit. Milked the opener but who gives a fuck. Just opened the first girl I saw when I walked into the venue, she was OK, maybe a 5. Nice little warm up set.
2. My wing met a 2 set he knew. C>5. We both took one each and chatted for a while. These girls were really drunk and whilst easy to talk to they were kinda sloppy so we just kept it friendly. I don't want to game my mates social circles too hard and fuck things up for them as I've done twice in the last few months. One of them though I had attraction and I went for a kiss, but she shyed away. In hindsight should have done it in a more isolated position, but hey, it's fun doing that stuff now and gets me in state. I know I'm not a pussy.
3. Seated group of Asian girl accountants celebrating a birthday, C>5. One of these girls was kinda cute, but most of them seemed pretty boring. Whilst vibing with these girls (no routines) some other girl comes over and rests her head on my lap! I start stroking her hair whilst still talking to these Asian girls.
4. I then look over at this group of girls drunk girls. There's about five of them, all starring at me, all a bit sloshed, on a girls night out and definately up for some cock. They're all somewhat attractive but older, maybe mid to late 30's. I'm such a fussy prick, but 35 is just too old for me when you're used to banging 21-24 year olds (I'm 31). Even this one 29 year old girl I'm banging is on the bit too old side. She's a smoker though, that probably makes her look older too. There was this one cuter Czech girl in the group, chatted with her a bit. She said her name was Lanka. I said she sounded like a character out of Street Fighter II. We laughed and vibed a bit, but the cutest girl was also the most reserved so I left. Thinking back now I should have pushed more.
5. C<5, B(?). On the way out I saw this super hot indian girl heading to the bathroom. I waited out the front to catch her on the way back and opened this young 9 - a moving target. Pretty high difficulty rating. She tried to brush me off and walk through me after the opener but I plowed. She eventually stopped and listened, I got the whole thing out, then ran a transition (cold read - are you a primary school teacher? You've got this 'save the world' vibe about yourself). I think I tried just one more routine and almost hooked her, but as she saw that look on my face that I was access my internal database of what to say next she 'had to go as she was leaving'. Still pretty happy I didn't wuss out on that one as that was tough. A little more content naturalised and slighty higher energy level and I reckon I could have had that one.
I notice one of my wings is just choding about and not opening, so I go over to give a little push. He's barely opened anyone. I'm playing coach tonight so I instruct him to open this real easy set. He says he's all locked up and he can't. I tell him just go ask the time then, it's easy as shit. He does this and gets a flat out 'I don't have a watch on' from a seated 9. I look at him and say at least it's a start. I get him to do this one more time just as a warm up.
We then walk over to the high end club. Ask the time guy knows all the bouncers so it's VIP entry for us, straight in, free entry for him and discounted for us.
Now this place is smoking. 9's and 10's everywhere. The cities hottest venue, plush red carpet, chandeliers imported from Italy, marble bar, leather seats, a baby grand piano, the works. It's a noisy venue and my real strength is in my verbal game, I still open verbally and ensure that I kino lots on the open too.
6. Disney two girls dancing. Used the Disney music opener. It worked well, they stopped dancing to talk. I ran a bit more, kino'd a bit, got her attracted then moved on. I walked past them not long after and overheard her friend excitedly ask 'So what did he say to you?'... nice!
7. 7 set of young hotties, all 9's. I open this one with a pretty cool tatoo on her back. Petite yet shapely, 21 year old, 5'6", blonde hair, green eyes. I found out later she's of Northern Italian decent. Nice. I approached from the side, asked her what her tatto said. Good thing she was a friendly girl as that was a pretty weak situational opener. Still, it worked and we got chatting. I had to 90/10 this girl, she was receptive but not really making this convo happen. Not long after I look up and all of her friends had just disappeared!! Guess they just left us to get to know each other, which we did. I moved her to a seat and talked to her while kino'ing. Ran the cat routine, did the finger through her hair and the back of the neck. After a good 10 minutes of chatting I took her number, said she was cool and I know this great place I want to take her to on Sunday. She said that sounded fun. I made out with her and it was really great, a slow, sensual, passionate kiss. Not your usual sloppy club makeout. I took her downstairs for a dance. As we walked through the crowd I held out my hand and she firmly gripped it back, a nice little IOI. Dancing on a crowded dancefloor is a great excuse to hold her body close and grab her ass a bit. I let her rejoin her friends and decided to catch up with my wings.
I caught her again on her way out. I gave her a hug as she ended up leaving. She asked me to text her so she had my number.
I met up with the main club promoter. He recognised me from last week and we vibed a bit. He was super happy and friendly again. He asked me if I needed anything and if my card worked. I'm like 'what card?'. He gave me his email address and asked me to email him. Another mate of mine is a promoter and he gets paid in credit on this credit card thing he can use at the bar, so I'm assuming it's one of those deal. He said I can have my own guestlist and get free drinks, so even if it is a bit of a pyramid scheme thing what the hell, I'll send him and email. This is the 2nd time I've seen him now and both times he's been surrounded with 10's. They're starting to recognise me now from last week. Good.
I was kinda tired at this point but was going to game some more. I took a seat down to do a little re-asses and it just so happened I sat right with her other friends who were still at the bar. They were all totally 'Hey! We really like you! Our friend is really nice, you'll like her too!' I think if they had have busted me gaming new chicks I would have shot myself in the foot, so lucky! I was playing with my phone sending that email and they were like 'are you going to text her?'. I said, sure, I'll text her. What's something I can text her that only a close friend would know? They told me about another tatoo she has on her ankle. Promoter guy walks past and sees me with these young 9's. Also good, he can see I can offer value. I called it a night and headed off. On the way home I sent her a text about how I have psyhic powers and I can sense she has another other tatoo, and then guess it's general location and general design. She's responsed and is all amazed and like 'how did you know that!'. We texted back and forth and I went to bed.
She texts me the next day saying how she fell alseep and woke up with her mobile phone under her pillow with a half written text to me. At this point I'm like 'This girl is hooked, done diddly done for!'. Later that night I give her a call. She mentioned she wanted to head out but her friends were all hungover, so I said she should join me. She's asking me what the dress code is like and I mistakenly tell her she can wear anything. I told her to wear a skirt as I think she looks hot in it. She's says she's thinking jeans. Obviously a skirt is far better during the end game as you can fuck without even taking it off, whereas taking off jeans are a major state break. I'm thinking to myself if this girl rocks up in a skirt it's on for sure.
I have her meet me at mine and then we head over to this live music venue where a friends band is playing. She in jeans, ah well, no biggy. Conversation is a little dry, but we have a nice time just getting to know each other and making out just a little. I didn't want to diffuse the sexual tension too much by making out too much, a classic beginners mistake. There were loads of alternative 'band' hotties out at the venue, I'm like damn I should have just had the day2 tomorrow and sarged tonight but either way it's good, this girl is super cute and I've got a red hot chance here. She was very compliant as far as leading her around the venue so after about 1.5 or so I just say that I've had enough of this and let's go. We head to the car.
I drive back to mine and head upstairs. It's 2am and we start making out on the bed. Progress is very slow and each major item of clothing is a road block. Overcome via wash rinse repeat. Even did a mini freeze out. She asks if I'm mad, I say 'nah, just thinking about food', and then start blabbing on about food for a bit. Then when she comes back for the affection I start taking it further. Took me ages to get those fucking jeans off though, they're the type that's almost painted on and you gotta peel off. I ended up doing it by having her lay on her stomach whilst I sit on top of her and girl her a back massage. She topless at this point. You see, the thing about my massages is that they start with the shoulders and get lower and lower... next thing I'm grinding her ass from behind with my hard cock. She's pushing back into me, panting and getting hornier. Nice, I now go for the jeans again and they come off. From there on in it's not that much harder, I just hump her whilst we're both in our undies and eventually they come off too and we're fucking. Such an awesome body, super slim but still curvey. I reckon she was one of the hottest girls at the club. By this time it's around 5am so I invite her to sleep over and I can take her to this awesome breakfast place and she accepts. We have a little hug and she's stroking my hand with her fingers. This girl is 10 years younger than me and is super hot. Life is great.
Next morning we wake and fuck again. Gold. Gripping her by her little waist my hands are about as far apart as holding a basketball. Wish I could have slept in more, but I woke with a boner and just wanted to ram her again (I read this is because testosterone levels are highest in the morning). I take her to my favourite little breakfast place and we do a little window shopping at the various quirky shops I was going to take her to on my Day 2. We stop at a garage sale on the way and have fun checking out the junk some people try to sell. Like anyone is going to buy a broken typewritter. We grab some sweet pastry snacks at this Jewish bakery, cruise around a bit in the car, I run a few errands and then we both go home for a 'nap'. I try to fuck her again but she's not up for it. I decide not to push it, we've had an awesome time, she's probably a little sore (as was I) so we just cuddle. I've got dinner with friends and she has to work so we depart 6pm.
Monday I get a text 'Thinking of you
'. I reply with a '
'. A new super hottie joins the rotation. Seeing her again Wednesday or Thursday. Gotta make sure I don't flip that BF switch though, time to back off on that cuddly eye gazing stuff now.
- Going out with wings boosts my game. I step into the 'coach' persona and open more and harder than I would normally. I'm also applying my own material more, cause what kind of fuckwit tells instructs people to do stuff he doesn't do himself? A recommended way of improving your results once you get better.
- Just gotta keep doing approaches and one will eventually hit. This time it only took 7. Still should have went for 10 but it's all still good.
Now I know why I don't write up all these fuckers! That above thing took me 2 hours!! Probably doesn't need to be so detailed but I'm a detail man.
Hope you enjoyed it.
My tonight just became free. My SHB MLTR came around and we ended up having a fight and she left early. Bummer.
Anyway, I've been working on my Social Circle club game so I've been hitting up this super hot club. It's Friday night and I meet up with two new wings at a pre-club bar nearby. Pretty swanky place. My wings are still relatively new to the game so they like to see demos (who doesn't?) and are pretty impressed by the stuff I'm doing. It's funny, once this becomes part of who you are you it's easy to forget how fucking awesome it really is to cold approach a cute girl, make out and fuck her.
Now when I'm going out I ask myself 'OK, so what am I going to put into practise tonight'. Maybe I'll do a 20 minute review of some material, load it up into the front of my brain and head out. Tonight I'm making the effort to lock down a small handful of routines. I just picked three. It's really the main area I feel I'm lacking, the only blockage in my 'sex pipe'. Everything else is great so a bit of random, funny/flirty content in the bag should see a multiplier effect on my results.
We enter the bar. I open a few sets:
1. Girl on couch, C>5. Opened with 'drunk I love you's'. Opened well then vibed a bit. Milked the opener but who gives a fuck. Just opened the first girl I saw when I walked into the venue, she was OK, maybe a 5. Nice little warm up set.
2. My wing met a 2 set he knew. C>5. We both took one each and chatted for a while. These girls were really drunk and whilst easy to talk to they were kinda sloppy so we just kept it friendly. I don't want to game my mates social circles too hard and fuck things up for them as I've done twice in the last few months. One of them though I had attraction and I went for a kiss, but she shyed away. In hindsight should have done it in a more isolated position, but hey, it's fun doing that stuff now and gets me in state. I know I'm not a pussy.
3. Seated group of Asian girl accountants celebrating a birthday, C>5. One of these girls was kinda cute, but most of them seemed pretty boring. Whilst vibing with these girls (no routines) some other girl comes over and rests her head on my lap! I start stroking her hair whilst still talking to these Asian girls.
4. I then look over at this group of girls drunk girls. There's about five of them, all starring at me, all a bit sloshed, on a girls night out and definately up for some cock. They're all somewhat attractive but older, maybe mid to late 30's. I'm such a fussy prick, but 35 is just too old for me when you're used to banging 21-24 year olds (I'm 31). Even this one 29 year old girl I'm banging is on the bit too old side. She's a smoker though, that probably makes her look older too. There was this one cuter Czech girl in the group, chatted with her a bit. She said her name was Lanka. I said she sounded like a character out of Street Fighter II. We laughed and vibed a bit, but the cutest girl was also the most reserved so I left. Thinking back now I should have pushed more.
5. C<5, B(?). On the way out I saw this super hot indian girl heading to the bathroom. I waited out the front to catch her on the way back and opened this young 9 - a moving target. Pretty high difficulty rating. She tried to brush me off and walk through me after the opener but I plowed. She eventually stopped and listened, I got the whole thing out, then ran a transition (cold read - are you a primary school teacher? You've got this 'save the world' vibe about yourself). I think I tried just one more routine and almost hooked her, but as she saw that look on my face that I was access my internal database of what to say next she 'had to go as she was leaving'. Still pretty happy I didn't wuss out on that one as that was tough. A little more content naturalised and slighty higher energy level and I reckon I could have had that one.
I notice one of my wings is just choding about and not opening, so I go over to give a little push. He's barely opened anyone. I'm playing coach tonight so I instruct him to open this real easy set. He says he's all locked up and he can't. I tell him just go ask the time then, it's easy as shit. He does this and gets a flat out 'I don't have a watch on' from a seated 9. I look at him and say at least it's a start. I get him to do this one more time just as a warm up.
We then walk over to the high end club. Ask the time guy knows all the bouncers so it's VIP entry for us, straight in, free entry for him and discounted for us.
Now this place is smoking. 9's and 10's everywhere. The cities hottest venue, plush red carpet, chandeliers imported from Italy, marble bar, leather seats, a baby grand piano, the works. It's a noisy venue and my real strength is in my verbal game, I still open verbally and ensure that I kino lots on the open too.
6. Disney two girls dancing. Used the Disney music opener. It worked well, they stopped dancing to talk. I ran a bit more, kino'd a bit, got her attracted then moved on. I walked past them not long after and overheard her friend excitedly ask 'So what did he say to you?'... nice!
7. 7 set of young hotties, all 9's. I open this one with a pretty cool tatoo on her back. Petite yet shapely, 21 year old, 5'6", blonde hair, green eyes. I found out later she's of Northern Italian decent. Nice. I approached from the side, asked her what her tatto said. Good thing she was a friendly girl as that was a pretty weak situational opener. Still, it worked and we got chatting. I had to 90/10 this girl, she was receptive but not really making this convo happen. Not long after I look up and all of her friends had just disappeared!! Guess they just left us to get to know each other, which we did. I moved her to a seat and talked to her while kino'ing. Ran the cat routine, did the finger through her hair and the back of the neck. After a good 10 minutes of chatting I took her number, said she was cool and I know this great place I want to take her to on Sunday. She said that sounded fun. I made out with her and it was really great, a slow, sensual, passionate kiss. Not your usual sloppy club makeout. I took her downstairs for a dance. As we walked through the crowd I held out my hand and she firmly gripped it back, a nice little IOI. Dancing on a crowded dancefloor is a great excuse to hold her body close and grab her ass a bit. I let her rejoin her friends and decided to catch up with my wings.
I caught her again on her way out. I gave her a hug as she ended up leaving. She asked me to text her so she had my number.
I met up with the main club promoter. He recognised me from last week and we vibed a bit. He was super happy and friendly again. He asked me if I needed anything and if my card worked. I'm like 'what card?'. He gave me his email address and asked me to email him. Another mate of mine is a promoter and he gets paid in credit on this credit card thing he can use at the bar, so I'm assuming it's one of those deal. He said I can have my own guestlist and get free drinks, so even if it is a bit of a pyramid scheme thing what the hell, I'll send him and email. This is the 2nd time I've seen him now and both times he's been surrounded with 10's. They're starting to recognise me now from last week. Good.
I was kinda tired at this point but was going to game some more. I took a seat down to do a little re-asses and it just so happened I sat right with her other friends who were still at the bar. They were all totally 'Hey! We really like you! Our friend is really nice, you'll like her too!' I think if they had have busted me gaming new chicks I would have shot myself in the foot, so lucky! I was playing with my phone sending that email and they were like 'are you going to text her?'. I said, sure, I'll text her. What's something I can text her that only a close friend would know? They told me about another tatoo she has on her ankle. Promoter guy walks past and sees me with these young 9's. Also good, he can see I can offer value. I called it a night and headed off. On the way home I sent her a text about how I have psyhic powers and I can sense she has another other tatoo, and then guess it's general location and general design. She's responsed and is all amazed and like 'how did you know that!'. We texted back and forth and I went to bed.
She texts me the next day saying how she fell alseep and woke up with her mobile phone under her pillow with a half written text to me. At this point I'm like 'This girl is hooked, done diddly done for!'. Later that night I give her a call. She mentioned she wanted to head out but her friends were all hungover, so I said she should join me. She's asking me what the dress code is like and I mistakenly tell her she can wear anything. I told her to wear a skirt as I think she looks hot in it. She's says she's thinking jeans. Obviously a skirt is far better during the end game as you can fuck without even taking it off, whereas taking off jeans are a major state break. I'm thinking to myself if this girl rocks up in a skirt it's on for sure.
I have her meet me at mine and then we head over to this live music venue where a friends band is playing. She in jeans, ah well, no biggy. Conversation is a little dry, but we have a nice time just getting to know each other and making out just a little. I didn't want to diffuse the sexual tension too much by making out too much, a classic beginners mistake. There were loads of alternative 'band' hotties out at the venue, I'm like damn I should have just had the day2 tomorrow and sarged tonight but either way it's good, this girl is super cute and I've got a red hot chance here. She was very compliant as far as leading her around the venue so after about 1.5 or so I just say that I've had enough of this and let's go. We head to the car.
I drive back to mine and head upstairs. It's 2am and we start making out on the bed. Progress is very slow and each major item of clothing is a road block. Overcome via wash rinse repeat. Even did a mini freeze out. She asks if I'm mad, I say 'nah, just thinking about food', and then start blabbing on about food for a bit. Then when she comes back for the affection I start taking it further. Took me ages to get those fucking jeans off though, they're the type that's almost painted on and you gotta peel off. I ended up doing it by having her lay on her stomach whilst I sit on top of her and girl her a back massage. She topless at this point. You see, the thing about my massages is that they start with the shoulders and get lower and lower... next thing I'm grinding her ass from behind with my hard cock. She's pushing back into me, panting and getting hornier. Nice, I now go for the jeans again and they come off. From there on in it's not that much harder, I just hump her whilst we're both in our undies and eventually they come off too and we're fucking. Such an awesome body, super slim but still curvey. I reckon she was one of the hottest girls at the club. By this time it's around 5am so I invite her to sleep over and I can take her to this awesome breakfast place and she accepts. We have a little hug and she's stroking my hand with her fingers. This girl is 10 years younger than me and is super hot. Life is great.
Next morning we wake and fuck again. Gold. Gripping her by her little waist my hands are about as far apart as holding a basketball. Wish I could have slept in more, but I woke with a boner and just wanted to ram her again (I read this is because testosterone levels are highest in the morning). I take her to my favourite little breakfast place and we do a little window shopping at the various quirky shops I was going to take her to on my Day 2. We stop at a garage sale on the way and have fun checking out the junk some people try to sell. Like anyone is going to buy a broken typewritter. We grab some sweet pastry snacks at this Jewish bakery, cruise around a bit in the car, I run a few errands and then we both go home for a 'nap'. I try to fuck her again but she's not up for it. I decide not to push it, we've had an awesome time, she's probably a little sore (as was I) so we just cuddle. I've got dinner with friends and she has to work so we depart 6pm.
Monday I get a text 'Thinking of you

- Going out with wings boosts my game. I step into the 'coach' persona and open more and harder than I would normally. I'm also applying my own material more, cause what kind of fuckwit tells instructs people to do stuff he doesn't do himself? A recommended way of improving your results once you get better.
- Just gotta keep doing approaches and one will eventually hit. This time it only took 7. Still should have went for 10 but it's all still good.
Now I know why I don't write up all these fuckers! That above thing took me 2 hours!! Probably doesn't need to be so detailed but I'm a detail man.
Hope you enjoyed it.
Condom reviews
Just like just about everyone else I hate using condoms. What I hate more though is my dick going green and falling off. So I figured if I'm going to use these things I might as well do some research, surely there are great financial incentives for creating better and better condoms theres just got to be something decent out there by now.
I ordered a sampler pack and tried a whole bunch. One thing I found though that there are HUGE differences between the different brands and styles.
Some of these condoms were completely shit and some of these were so great I honestly had to check several times to see if the thing was still on!
My favourite two are below:
Crown Skinless Skin Condoms
Durex Extra Sensitive Condoms
And you can fuck basically anything with this lube - http://www.undercovercondoms.com/Pro...Lubricant.html
Best condom 2009 review - http://www.condomdepot.com/reviews/best-condoms.cfm
Whilst I have no financial interest in this website, as a past customer undercovercondoms.com are continually sending me discount coupons. If you want try 'EMRC15' for 15% off.
I ordered a sampler pack and tried a whole bunch. One thing I found though that there are HUGE differences between the different brands and styles.
Some of these condoms were completely shit and some of these were so great I honestly had to check several times to see if the thing was still on!
My favourite two are below:
Crown Skinless Skin Condoms
Durex Extra Sensitive Condoms
And you can fuck basically anything with this lube - http://www.undercovercondoms.com/Pro...Lubricant.html
Best condom 2009 review - http://www.condomdepot.com/reviews/best-condoms.cfm
Whilst I have no financial interest in this website, as a past customer undercovercondoms.com are continually sending me discount coupons. If you want try 'EMRC15' for 15% off.
FR+: Day 2 and 3 with Flight attendant #3; market, drinks and blow jobs.
I had a day 2 with the flight attendant I met the other week. Everything just clicked. You know when you just have a very natural pick up thats really enjoyable for both the girl and the guy?
Yep, that lame Facebook follow up went somewhere. Well, I did first meet her for a few hours about 10 months ago at a bar and played some pretty solid game that night, almost getting a makeout and tried to take her home. Her housemate is also a mates girlfriend so it's also kind of a distant social circle too, although I haven't seen either of them in almost a year either.
In my Facebook message I pointed out that her profile said she was 'Looking for: Dating' and offered to provide her with a 'Dating evaluation session'. A good, playful frame for the interaction. Just the right amount of flirting, conversational ratio, rapport building, laughing, venue changing, LMR.
Day 2 we met at a market for coffee/breakfast then did some fresh fruit & vegetable shopping. I was hungover from the following night and probably lacked that fun/flirty energy in the interaction but it still went smoothly.
I've done a bootcamp with the UDS before and one of the big things I learned was the importance of logistics. During our coffee I established that her housemate (who is also a flight attendant) was out of town and she's got a great ocean view. She also doesn't drive and walked to meet me. All great pieces of info so I 'offered her a lift back to her house' and asked to 'checkout the view'. I knew we had the place to ourselves to take things as far as we wanted to.
We bought some incense at the market so I asked her to light some. I also noticed a chillout sessions CD on her stereo so I put that on to create a bit of mood and we sat on the couch.
Me: 'OK, I'll give you your evaluation summary. Now, if you get 10 points, you get a kiss, and 20, you get to see me again. On the plus side you had a warm smile, but you have to fake that smile everyday at work. Hmmm... so how many points do you think I should give for your smile?'.
Her (big smile): '13!'.
...fade to black
We made out for a while and then both had to go. Her apartment was freezing and it was during the middle of a miserable windy day, I didn't feel it was good to push it. I could tell she was keen although I was hitting up against one of those 'rules'; she's one of those girls that has the mental checklist (date 1 = kiss, date 2 = kiss + grope, date 3 = sex) and I wasn't able to bypass that on the day.
Then next evening we met up for drinks at a bar near her place. I picked her up from hers in my car. I isolated back to her house and fooled around on the couch, then on the bed. This girl had a sexual vibe, we also joked about tying each other up and she showed me her blindfolds and scarfs on her bed posts. I came up against the next rule, 'pant's are staying on tonight'. The regular amount of LMR, didn't really freeze out or anything, just stopped and tried again later. Lots of physical escalation, at least a good 1/2 hour to an hour. I did end up bypassing that rule and fingered her, it was really hard through her tight jeans (which still 'couldn't come off'). If she didn't have a clit ring I wouldn't have known where the hell to rub. She started giving me a handjob (which was great) for a few minutes then went down on me. After all that foreplay I came pretty quickly - so much for all that multi-orgasmic man training I did a few months ago. I don't think it wrecked anything though.
I did make one minor slip up. After I came I asked for a tissue. As she handed me the tissue she said 'Oh, OK. I usually just swallow, but, here you go'. Talking it through later with my housemate he said I should have just blew in her mouth, as the majority of girls will either swallow, spit or be too shy to say anything anyway. A few of my previous girlfriends didn't like it so my default was not to. I can't argue with my housemates logic and have a new default behaviour now.
Yep, that lame Facebook follow up went somewhere. Well, I did first meet her for a few hours about 10 months ago at a bar and played some pretty solid game that night, almost getting a makeout and tried to take her home. Her housemate is also a mates girlfriend so it's also kind of a distant social circle too, although I haven't seen either of them in almost a year either.
In my Facebook message I pointed out that her profile said she was 'Looking for: Dating' and offered to provide her with a 'Dating evaluation session'. A good, playful frame for the interaction. Just the right amount of flirting, conversational ratio, rapport building, laughing, venue changing, LMR.
Day 2 we met at a market for coffee/breakfast then did some fresh fruit & vegetable shopping. I was hungover from the following night and probably lacked that fun/flirty energy in the interaction but it still went smoothly.
I've done a bootcamp with the UDS before and one of the big things I learned was the importance of logistics. During our coffee I established that her housemate (who is also a flight attendant) was out of town and she's got a great ocean view. She also doesn't drive and walked to meet me. All great pieces of info so I 'offered her a lift back to her house' and asked to 'checkout the view'. I knew we had the place to ourselves to take things as far as we wanted to.
We bought some incense at the market so I asked her to light some. I also noticed a chillout sessions CD on her stereo so I put that on to create a bit of mood and we sat on the couch.
Me: 'OK, I'll give you your evaluation summary. Now, if you get 10 points, you get a kiss, and 20, you get to see me again. On the plus side you had a warm smile, but you have to fake that smile everyday at work. Hmmm... so how many points do you think I should give for your smile?'.
Her (big smile): '13!'.
...fade to black
We made out for a while and then both had to go. Her apartment was freezing and it was during the middle of a miserable windy day, I didn't feel it was good to push it. I could tell she was keen although I was hitting up against one of those 'rules'; she's one of those girls that has the mental checklist (date 1 = kiss, date 2 = kiss + grope, date 3 = sex) and I wasn't able to bypass that on the day.
Then next evening we met up for drinks at a bar near her place. I picked her up from hers in my car. I isolated back to her house and fooled around on the couch, then on the bed. This girl had a sexual vibe, we also joked about tying each other up and she showed me her blindfolds and scarfs on her bed posts. I came up against the next rule, 'pant's are staying on tonight'. The regular amount of LMR, didn't really freeze out or anything, just stopped and tried again later. Lots of physical escalation, at least a good 1/2 hour to an hour. I did end up bypassing that rule and fingered her, it was really hard through her tight jeans (which still 'couldn't come off'). If she didn't have a clit ring I wouldn't have known where the hell to rub. She started giving me a handjob (which was great) for a few minutes then went down on me. After all that foreplay I came pretty quickly - so much for all that multi-orgasmic man training I did a few months ago. I don't think it wrecked anything though.
I did make one minor slip up. After I came I asked for a tissue. As she handed me the tissue she said 'Oh, OK. I usually just swallow, but, here you go'. Talking it through later with my housemate he said I should have just blew in her mouth, as the majority of girls will either swallow, spit or be too shy to say anything anyway. A few of my previous girlfriends didn't like it so my default was not to. I can't argue with my housemates logic and have a new default behaviour now.
Friday, April 2
Other blogs to check out
Hey guys,
I'd like to open this blog by giving a shout out to my dating colleagues at BradP.com.
Nomad lived in Pickup Mansion and his game on got INSANE! so now he's coaching and has a blog. He's going to be doing a workshop in Seattle soon. So if you live up there and want to study with him, be sure to let me know.
LA Phil has coached with Brad more than anyone else. His blog is great for short guys, because LA Phil is one of the shortest Pickup Coaches in the world
Hyper has taught tons of workshops, and has quite a bit of game, even at the tender age of 23. I think being that young makes PU a bit harder. Any girls 24 and up are trying to rule you out right away. Hyper has a lot of coaching knowledge, and there's a pretty interesting video on his site.
Scotty is basically our 'speed demon' guy. He seduces women in 15 minutes or less. But.... i tell him to chill his game out for workshops so students can learn from it better. Slow down Scotty!!!
Jakes blog has nice photos of hotties and videos on it, and includes a lot of his wild LRs.
Dale P.
I'd like to open this blog by giving a shout out to my dating colleagues at BradP.com.
Nomad lived in Pickup Mansion and his game on got INSANE! so now he's coaching and has a blog. He's going to be doing a workshop in Seattle soon. So if you live up there and want to study with him, be sure to let me know.
LA Phil has coached with Brad more than anyone else. His blog is great for short guys, because LA Phil is one of the shortest Pickup Coaches in the world
Hyper has taught tons of workshops, and has quite a bit of game, even at the tender age of 23. I think being that young makes PU a bit harder. Any girls 24 and up are trying to rule you out right away. Hyper has a lot of coaching knowledge, and there's a pretty interesting video on his site.
Scotty is basically our 'speed demon' guy. He seduces women in 15 minutes or less. But.... i tell him to chill his game out for workshops so students can learn from it better. Slow down Scotty!!!
Jakes blog has nice photos of hotties and videos on it, and includes a lot of his wild LRs.
Dale P.
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