Saturday, July 14

Meet Blackdragon... in Australia?

Hey guys,

You may have seen Brad's recent blog post on a guy who goes by the name of Blackdragon.  If not, you can read it

I first learned of this guy when Brad forwarded an essay he wrote on marriage and long term relationships.

To re-iterate what Brad has already said, this guy is legit.  It's pretty easy for professionals to figure out who is contributing effective and unique content to the field and who just re-hashes the same old stuff.

I think the people who are worth listening to in this industry are not only the ones who demonstrate mastery with women and relationships, but also who brings that 'something extra' to the table.

For Brad, it's his vast experience as a social worker, coach, teacher and years of experiencing in other 'helping' roles.  This gives him an outstanding ability to counsel, instantly identify what areas need improvement and work on these in the most effective way.  Not to mention he can bury ANYONE in the field at cold approach game (and I've seen many 'celebrity' PUAs in the field).

For myself, it's my years experience as a front-line combat instructor in the military, my career success in the corporate world (earning incomes of over $120k at age 26 and over $200k at age 29) and my investing success.

For Blackdragon, he's the only guy in the community that I know that has a background in personal productivity and goal setting.  In fact, this is what he does in his day job with C-level executives (CEOs, CFOs, etc).  This is the stuff I've found most interesting from him personally and it's top notch.

I can also vouch his online dating methods are solid having personally implementing some of his tips with great effectivenes.

If you are interested in either Online game, MLTRs or Personal effectiveness, I encourage you to check out his site at

Fellow Australians - stay tuned for an important announcement... (or feel free to email me if you just can't wait).

Talk again soon,

Dale P.