Saturday, May 21

The importance of nutrition

One of my colleagues Jake P just posted up his health results up in his 30/30 club thread.  He went from 18% BF down to 13% in around 6 months.  This is great stuff.

A while ago I thought to myself - am I gonna be a fat cunt my whole life (well, a guy who has a bit of a tummy), or am I gonna be looking like a guy who is at his peak.  Hitting 30 is a big turning point, as Brad once said to me it's a very slippery slope after that.

After having already achieved success in relationships and wealth, I took the time out to focus on my health.  I've been working out regularly with a great personal trainer for a good two years now, and my results have been pretty good.  I've put on several Kgs of muscle and cms around my chest and arms, and have lost Kgs of fat and cms around my waist.

One huge turning point only about 6 months ago was properly understanding NUTRITION!  It really is 70-80% of your results.  I was doing 4 to 5 intense 1 hour PT sessions per week yet wasn't making the progress most would think that kind of training should produce. 

I was that guy who had a protein shake after a workout, thought that was enough and went on to eat out pretty much every single lunch and dinner (and breakfasts on weekends).  I used to think that getting to have a leisurely meal out with friends at nice places all the time was a reward for success, although obviously this is a belief that'll prevent me from ever having a six pack.  It became the norm, not the special occasion it should be.

There is an endless amount of information on what to eat, how often, etc, on the net or from friends.  Some of it is good and some of it is bullshit.

The best, no BS, completely free site I know of on the net is  This opinion is from months of research, talking with my Personal Trainer (who trained elite athletes at the Australian Institute of Sport) and a few serious body building friends (one of which is a full time male model with a slim, ripped build).  The stupid thing was they were all telling me this all along however I wasn't ready to 'receive' that information.

Anyway, checkout the site.  It's awesome.

The YouTube videos where he shows you how to cook the simple, quick, healthy meals were particularly helpful (especially for someone who is really busy).  Oh, and they're really cheap too.  The frozen banana shakes are also really delicious, try them out.

Dale P.

Thursday, March 31

LRRRR: MFFFF Fivesome!!!

[This 5some LR is from February 2010, over a year ago now.  I did not post it earlier as one of the girls below was a huge part of my life, and this is highly private information regarding her.  Not to mention if she was aware of this report she'd probably sue me (I'm not joking).  Now that she is no longer part of my life, here it is below for you to enjoy.  Due to the length and detail I'd like to present, it's going to be delivered in two parts to do it justice.  It's not every day something like this happens, and to my knowledge nothing like this exists anywhere].

Hey 30/30 boys... I just had one of the wildest experiences of my life and I wanted to share it with you.


Yep.  You read it right.  Mother Fucker Fucker Fucker Fucker.  For those not familar with swinger speak, that's Male Female Female Female Female, as in a fivesome with one guy and four girls.

Let me tell you how it all went down.

I've been working on my 3some game lately and have been in a relationship with a super sexy bi girl.  I'm talking genuine bisexual, not 'mock bi to be cool bi' or 'impress my boyfriend' bi.  Her last two year+ long relationships were with girls.  For the purpose of this post I'll call her BiPartner.

Just that in itself has been a wild ride.  We both like to 'wear the pants' and are very dominant, argue often and then have the most passionate make up sex.  They'res a lot of love in our relationship, yet she doesn't take my shit and I certainly don't take hers.

In the past she's had problems with relationship with guys.  A few months in she'll have a strong desire to sleep with a girl and this would end up sabotaging their relationship.  As most guys know we deal with that issue too.  She confided in me a few stories of a past boyfriend, who said he was cool with her sexuality and encouraged her to explore it and sleep with other girls.  But then, one morning when he went over to her house with a surprise breakfast of crossaints and coffee, he and dropped it all over the carpet in shock when he walked in on her in bed with the girl she picked up the night before.  That ended up being a huge drama.

Knowing that she desires women, and that I desire variety, I put it to her that we could go out and pick up a girl and both of our needs could be met.  I never really planned it that way, however, the 'LTR with a bisexual girl and threesomes' is another solution to the male conundrum Brad talks about.  She gets her pussy fix, I get my pussy fix, yet we can enjoy the deep connection of a long term relationship.  These days there are all kinds of relationships.

She knows about the dating coach thing and I told her it wouldn't be too difficult to meet some cute girls.  One minute she'll be into it, the next she'll hate the idea and protest it cheapens our relationship.  It's a very delicate situation.  Even though I had only mentioned as idle bedroom chit chat, I decided I had talked about it more than enough and if I want this thing to happen I just need to give it a shot. 

Now herein lies the difficult part... if you're going to orchestrate a 3some you must be prepared to deal with the fallout.  Emotions, jealously, outbursts, freak outs... you get the idea.  Did I want to lose this girl?  No.  Did I want to lie on my deathbed thinking 'I got everything I wanted out of life, but never had two girls suck my dick at the same time'? (credit Brad P - 30/30 workbook).  I didn't want that either.

A few months earlier we were at a houseparty once and had our first threesome together.  It was with a girl I've known who's had a crush on me for a little while, a gym obsessed corporate go getter in my social circle with a rockin' body and mad set of tits.  Everyone at the houseparty either left or hit the hay and it was just us three up chatting.  I never ended up writing this one up, although everything went really smooth and we all had lots of fun.

Right now I have a job that involves a lot of travel.  I invited BiPartner to the other side of the country with me for a little weekend away.  We saw a few sights, went out for dinner and on the Friday decided to hit up a gay club.  Not only are these places a lot more sexual, they're just plain a lot more fun.  The girls that are don't have their bitch shields up, fashion is cooler, music is good and everyone is more friendly.

I booked an apartment hotel right in the city, a 10 minute walk to a popular gay district and even closer to work.  My best guess is this club is 1/3 straight, 1/3 gay guys and 1/3 gay girls.  BiPartner said it's so fucking hot to go to a place where hot lipstick lesbian hipsters are making out everywhere.

We drank, we danced and had a fun time.  I opened a few sets here and there, although the one of interest is this one large group.  It consisted of three girls and two guys.  One of the girls in the group (HBBigJugs) told me that she though BiPartner was really hot and asked if she was into girls.  I passed on this info but the initial attraction wasn't mutual.  HBBigJugs wasn't a super attractive girl by magazine standards, perhaps a 7.5 or an 8, although she did have a very sexual vibe and was really cool.  In fact, the whole group was really fun and cool and one of the girls was fucking smoking hot, SHBShyAsian.   

So we all got along well, danced, drank and were merry.  The night started to come to a close but the energy of the group was so high that it wasn't too much effort to convince everyone to come back to our nearby apartment for some more fun and drinks.  Naturally I had plans to fuck one (or more) of the girls, and this change of venue also suited the two gay guys and their motives, which I was unaware of at the time...

Our place was super close although we all jam packed into their car.  Should have walked.  These crazy kids had the inside of their car decked out like a club, streamers, mirror balls and loud music.  It was fun.

Once inside I cranked the music and poured some of the Baileys BiPartner and I bought earlier.  Now this is the same drink we shared during our last threesome, so whenever we drink this drink we are reminded of that fun time we had.  It's kinda like our 'threesome drink' (and very handy that just about every girl loves it too). 

So here we were all sitting around the lounge room listening to music, hanging out on the balcony and playing drinking games.  During this time I tried to assess what was going on here, who was with who (if any) and who wanted who.  So to recap, in the room we had me, BiPartner, HBBigJugs, SHBShyAsian, LesbianGirl, GayGuy and ShyGayGuy.  Hopefully you're less confused with all these names than I am... moving right along.

This whole situation wasn't a love triangle, it was some kind of love heptagon!  After I was about half way through figuring out the whole dynamic, BiPartner suggested we play 'spin the bottle' but with SHBShyAsians phone.  A fun little way to sexualise the evening...

So we spun and spun and different people were making out with others.  The way people interacted provided me with the missing pieces of the puzzle...

[To be continued...]

Wednesday, March 2

LR #71 - The Swedish girl who 'tends to squirt'

Hey guys.  Another quick LR for you.

I’ve been working interstate again and sometimes find myself with free time at work.  Sometimes I'll kill some with some internet dating.  I started chatting with this cute 25 year old Swedish girl.  Face wise she was quite cute, although no real good body shots to be seen.  The tricep area usually gives it away, and based on that this girl may be carrying a few extra kgs, but her hair/skin/teeth and vibe were all positive (which is what I go for) so I was happy to see where this went.

This girl was new to town and had only been in Melbourne 3 weeks.  She was currently looking for work, and, as far as I could tell didn't really know a great deal of people.  I've found girls like this are more motivated to meeting up as they are still finding themselves in a big new city.

We sent a few messages back and forth.  Even became Facebook friends (for about three hours before she strangely unfriended me).  I checked out her 'photos posted by others' and all was good.

We met in the city.  Wow, this girl is 6 foot tall in flats!  She has about an inch on me.  Beautifully tanned, flawless skin, perfect teeth, bold and stunning facial features.  She had a volumptous body but was so tall she carried it well.  And holy fuck - her tits were HUGE!!  I once read about a theory why Scandinavians seem to be overrepresented when it comes to the good looks gene - as the Vikings raped and pillaged the various lands across Europe they took all of the hotties back home (and rumour has it they dumped all the unwanted ones in England).  Not sure how true any of that is.

I give her the tour guide style date.  The thing about Melbourne is most of it's charm is hidden down laneways and alleys and can be easily missed by most tourists.  I take her to two of my favourite bars where we enjoy a drink or two each.  This girl is naturally chatty so conversation was really easy.  One thing that struck me as strange was that this girl wasn't offering up to shout a round of drinks.  No big deal, I put this down to cultural differences.  During one conversation she says she is psychic... so I took this opportunity to ask her 'So if you're psychic, can you tell me what I'm going to do now' and move in for a kiss.  She recoils.  I'm unreactive.  I change the subject and we continue chatting like nothing happened.

Now as she was new to town she didn't really know her way around and she was staying about 15-20 minutes out of the city.  When arranging the date I suggested, 'Come into the city to meet me, and I can give you a lift home in return'.  A pretty reasonable offer, and it gives us the natural opportunity to head back to mine after our drinks (6 or so tram stops away) to pick up my car, and for us to chill at mine for a bit whilst my last drink wears itself off.

Back at mine we're sitting on the couch.  She's showing me some photos from Sweden on her phone.  What do you know, they actually live in those gingerbread looking snow houses, zoom around on ski mobiles and drill holes in the ice to fish out of.  It was cool, Scandinavia is on my list of place to go see.

I pour us another drink each.  During this chit chat on the couch she starts to become really testy, like hardcore.  Giving me a hard time about how I use tissues and how that's somehow destroying the environment.  The real reason I have boxes of tissues around the place is for post sex mop ups.  Passing these tests though nowadays is so automatic I don't even realise I'm being tested sometimes.  I wish I was more concious of it as it's a great sign a girl is interested - girls dont' just test random losers for fun, their not really bitches at heart.

There was a fair amount of resistance in getting her up into my loft bedroom but after 3 or 4 times she eventually wandered up.  From there it was onto the bed to show her the stars through my skylight, a little bit of massage where she just stripped down to her lacy black panties and then lots of spooning, grinding and making out.  Wow... this girl had HUGE tits... each one was about as big as my head.  This girl is probably going to have back problems later in life.

LMR was pretty tough.  Wash rinse repeat for hours.  I ended up giving up and just thinking fuck it, I've got to get some sleep for work tomorrow.  I guess she was staying over.  Then all of a sudden she wanted it.  I was falling alseep, but I put on a condom and climbed on top.  After all the tension build up, hours of foreplay and my inablity to regulate my breathing due to my tiredness I came pretty quick...  she was pissed off, then said to herself, 'I suppose that's my fault for teasing you so long'.  I told her I'll make it up to her.  I planned to have 15 min rest then start again but I started to nod off so I thought I'd finger her for a bit. 

The last girl I'd be seeing was quite sensitive so I started off slow.  I asked her how that was and she said I wasn't anywhere near hard enough.  I rubbed her a little harder, cycling through the various spots.  She started to moan louder and louder as my intensity increase until I was finger fucking the shit out of her snatch.  She said to me, 'I tend to squirt'.  Being one to understand that it's just a natural bodily function, I said 'OK' and continued on.  A story from my ex housemate where he was literally drenched in quantities of fluid crossed my mind.  Soon after she came and sprayed clear girl jizz all over my bed.  Great.  Luckily I had a fresh set of sheets to put back on the bed.

I've only been with a girl who squirts a few times.  The first time I didn't even know it existed and didn't know what the hell was going on.  'Did this girl just piss on me?'  But wait, it's clear and doesn't smell.  Pretty strange experience first time around for both of us, the girl didn't know what it was either (or was too shy to talk about it).  Thanks to the fetish porn sites of the interweb I was soon to be educated.  

It must have been 5am at this time.  We slept for a bit.  I don't usually sleep well when I'm not used to having someone in the bed with me.  I woke a few hours later and fucked her hard several times.  I motioned for her to give me head but she shyed away from it.  This wasn't the first Scandinavian girl to not give me head, what's up with that?  I wonder if it's another crappy cultural thing - anyone else find this?  I fucked her some more, came again then laid back down and closed my eyes, exhausted.  About 30 seconds later my alarm went off to wake for work at 8am.

Damn, today is going to be a long day.

Monday, February 21

LR #70 - Online Dating French Chef (with full end to end transcript of all messages and texts)

Hey guys.  It’s Dale P.

Here is another LR to let you know what I’ve been up to of late.  This is a full end to end online meet to full close the day after with full, unedited transcript of all emails and text messages.

Just the other day a girl contacted me in response to an online dating profile I had up.  She was outside my criteria as she was only 21, although I was bored at work and she was cute so I sent her a message.  She replied almost instantly and we swaped a few emails back and forth.  Here they are below for your educational benefit and enjoyment.  I had always wished someone posted up something like this, a full word or word exchange.

You’ll note there is nothing fancy in it, no 'tricks' or anything.  I find guys think too hard about this and somehow stuff it up... it’s just chit chat.  I can verify that this is also entirely unedited and unscripted.  Looking back on it now I can see a few things I would have done differently, but you don’t need to get things 100% right.  For example - I now prefer shorter, 'chat' style messages and think they are more likely get a response, as there is no pressure on the girls to write a large, witty response in return.

So, without any further introduction, the transcript.  It commences with her sending me an online 'kiss', then I email her below...

Hi there Ms {Online Profile Username},
You've got an interesting profile there. A girl who can cook and sing... do you ever do these at the same time?

Hey there Dale,
Haha i do believe i've been known to do such a thing, but moreso singing in the shower, better accoustics then the kitchen : P
Have to say you have great taste in movies, music and t.v. Got your top ten lined up yet for JJJ's hottest 100?

Dear mysterious internet girl, {I said this because she didn't leave a name}

Heheh, why thank you.  You've got some good stuff too.  If you like Tarantino movies one of his older ones that slipped under the radar is True Romance.  That's pretty good too, don't know why it's not more well known.  Christian Slater is in it.  Inglorious Basterds is probably one of my all time favourite movies... a masterpiece.

I haven't been keeping up with JJJ lately, I imported a new car recently and I haven't modified the sound system yet so I can't pick up any Australian stations.  For the past few months it's been CDs which are mostly various electronic although I have had a good listen to the latest Like a Version (which is pretty cool).

So... any favourite dishes?

I've got one of those walk in showers with just a single pane of glass... haven't tested out the acoustics yet, perhaps I'll give it a go.


Smiles* as much as i love the sound of mysterious internet girl, I'm just plain {FrenchGirl},
I haven't actually seen True Romance, surprised i haven't heard of it before, but thanks for the heads up i'll check it out! Have you seen DeathProof? I think that might have to take my Tarantino first place, gotta love Jungle Julia : )
I got lost in JB the other day and almost added Like a  Version six to the teetering tower of cds,maybe i should have lol.
I have a fairly limited knowledge of cars but what did you import?
My forte is french cooking, I worked at the French Brasserie on {Street} for a while and learnt alot, have to say though if you're into healthy food, french probably isn't the way to go.
To top things off you don't happen to be a fan of The Boosh and any type of Anime do you?


Hey {FrenchGirl} is a pretty cool name.  I had a crush on a girl in grade 5 whose name was {FrenchGirl}.

I know there are two Deathproof-like movies.  I'm pretty sure I've seen the one you're talked about (Kurt Russell and his stunt car).  I think the other one is Planet Terror or something.  Yeah, pretty gruesome stuff but loved the B grade-ness of it all.

It's a Japanese car and their FM radio stations go from 74Mhz and end at 89.9Mhz (where ours start), so I can only get AM stations like ABC talk radio and perhaps Islam FM or some other exotic thing.  A $20 chip will fix that but I'm a little hesitant busting open the system just yet, it's pretty swish (Bose, 12 speakers, 2 subs), would hate to stuff it up.

Friends have been telling me for ages to check it out The Mighty Boosh but I haven't had the chance.  Basically there is more good stuff out there than I have time so I have no idea what they're on about when they talk about crack fox.  Animatrix is cool, but that's about it for Anime (other than Astroboy as a kid).  I've got my hands on Spirited Away, Ghost, etc and have been recommended others but again haven't seen em.

Yummo, love French food.  I love how the French do their scrambled eggs.  My trainer just called me to discuss my new program and he also talked about diet.  You're right, not much mention of French food... more so steamed chicken breasts and broccoli... dang.

So tell me something else about you... what's your favourite ice cream flavour?

Also, how are you finding the site?  


Dale, How would you feel about jumping online and chatting? : )

Hey I'm happy to do that, although its not a good time right now.  I'm at work and have to finish something off before I go out to dinner.

I'm on Gmail chat and Facebook chat - {my email}.

Alright... I suppose your cool enough to have my mobile too ;)  {my phone number}.

Funny thing I've found with this site is when I meet the girls I think are going to be cool I realise there is no chemistry and the ones I'm thinking 'eh, got nothing to lose' turn out to be really cool.  So now I usually prefer a few texts and a chat on the phone to see if we click, saves so much time...

Maybe we can do that sometime if I don't end up catching you online anytime soon.

Sounds like a good plan to me, I can honestly say you're the first guy i've conversed with on here, haven't met anyone yet, lol after all I only joined up yesterday. Very new to the world of {dating website name}!

My name is {FrenchGirl full name}, I have facebook and my email is {email} if you wanted to look me up. Thanks for your e-mail and number. I might drop you a message soon....if you're lucky (smiles* just kidding)
Hope you have fun at dinner!

I decided to add her to Facebook to see more photos of this girl.  Her photos online were seriously hot, although it’s the photos added/tagged by others than usually give you something closer to reality.  Even after looking at those, wow, this girl was smoking.  She pinged me on Facebook chat.  We chatted for a bit and then I said ‘Hey, I gave you my number before, right?’  ‘So what’s yours?’  At first she avoided the question but then gave it to me.

I texted her shortly after.

Me: Saved... You shall now be known as {FrenchGirl + first letter of dating website}

Her: {FrenchGirl + first letter of dating website}?  As in {dating website} because unless you’re dislexic my last name starts with an {Last name letter} :-p

Me: You got it, as in {dating website}

Her: Well that makes sense!

Me: Ha funny thing is the doco I’m writing now is about naming standards.  Helps me remember where we met :). If it works out you will be upgraded to {FrenchGirl full name}.

Her: Yep kind of ironic :), Woo can’t resist an upgarde when it comes to my own name haha!

Me: Well potentially at that stage you will be so memorable I’d just know you as {FrenchGirl}.  Or {Nickname} or something.

Her: Woah woah woah hold up, getting a little ahead aren’t you? hehehe I joke, potentially that’s a little bit cute... {Nickname} huh :-p

We then spoke on the phone and arranged to meet up the next night.

As she recently moved back in with her parents out in the outer suburbs I picked a bar with a nice beer garden right near my place.  I arrived first and went and looked out back to see if I could find a nice place to sit with here were we could be side by side.

She texted to say she was out the front.  I went outside just as she was getting out of her car... and WHAM... she was HOT!  Man, many times internet dating can fuck you around but wow, this girl was sexy.  Just under 6 foot in heels, skimpy black dress, jet black hair and flawless pale skin.  Reminded me of a young Audrey Tautou.

It's no surprise really, I've always thought there are probably many hot, intelligent girls living out in the burbs with their parents who aren't exposed to high quality guys as they work local (perhaps boring) suburban jobs.

We hit it off immediately.  Chatted about a variety of subjects.  From here I’m not going to get into the all details, as it was pretty straightforward from this stage on, much like any regular meet up, pickup or report.

A few different venues and then back to mine to listen to a CD.  We both played around with on my Sonos on the iPad.  She had an amazing knowledge and taste in music, selecting all kinds of eclectic 40’s jazz and other weird shit I’d never been exposed to before.

We sat on the couch and both got a heated up from making out.  The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.  She could tell where things were heading but wanted to take it slow.  After a while of this tension building up and up she grabbed the iPad, put on a sexy slow French song, kick/slid the coffee table away and performed a strip tease for me.  About half way through she slipped her silky little black dress up over her head to reveal a perfectly toned body and some lacy underwear.  This girl went to a lot of effort for our date, or perhaps she’s a classy dresser.  Either way, it was impressive.  She pretended to drop her dress and then with a seductive, ‘Oooops, look what I’ve just done’ finger on her cheek, bent over to pick it up with her ass right in my face.  At this stage I unzipped myself and started stroking Dale junior while she continued to dance out the rest of the song, eye-fucking the shit out of each other.

I stripped down to my underwear too and we started to get really heavy on the couch.  I was thrusting into her, with only a thin layer of material preventing us from penetration.  I could feel her wet pussy through my boxer shorts.  I was just about to slide it in when she stopped us and said ‘You can have me tonight, and that may be all.  Or you can wait, and we can have each other many times’.  Pretty deep stuff coming from a 21 year old.

I replied saying that making out on the couch sucks (which is does), and that we should go upstairs.  We can do as much or as little as you prefer.  We ventured upstairs to my loft bedroom.

After some more wash rinse repeat the tension was too much.  She told me that when she saw me masturbate it really turned her on.  She also said it was the first time she’s ever done that as well.  She said she must have me right now.  We had the hottest sex I’ve had in a long time until we collapsed at 5am.  Loud dirty talk, finger sucking, 69ing, light spanking, the lot.  She sucked my dick until I started to come, then gripped the base to stop it mid flow.  She stared up and me and said 'Can you shoot your hot load into my wet little mouth?', inserted my it back in, released her grip on my shaft and splash.  It was great.

So there you have it, a full end to end interaction from online dating site after around 4 hours of enjoying each others company.  It doesn't always go like this, even with awesome game many times it's just a matter of finding a girl who is seriously interesting and open to meeting new people.  So many girls are on those websites just so they can feel like a celebrity and get hit on by dorks all day.  Whereas some and keen to meet up, have a drink and see where the night takes them.

Tuesday, January 11

NYE/NYD in the life of a UDS Head Coach

Being the middle of our summer down here in Australia, the Xmas/NY period can get quite hot. Even at 7pm it was still around 33 degrees Celsius so I decided to go down to the beach for a swim. Weather was perfect, the sun just started setting and it was just a great way to finish off the year and chill out before the wild night ahead. As I parked the car I noticed this guy with three super fit looking blond girls...  Part of me thought I should make sure I say hi to this guy, but another part of me just wanted to relax at the beach and just reflect on the year just past, the year up ahead, all that kinda stuff. Also, I've just came out of a insanely intense relationship just weeks ago and am quite content just doing my own thing for now.  
I jumped in the water for a swim and watched the sunset. Just so happens he ended up swimming right up to me.  
I said hello with a positive upbeat comment, 'Awesome evening for a swim, huh?'. We got chatting. Eventually curiosity got to one of the girls and she butted in 'Hey is this a guy only conversation or what?'. To be honest nothing hugely interesting to mention about the interaction, I was certainly not in game mode but had a great time and all four of them were crazy fun. We ended up taking all these stupid pics and having a dance on the beach with champagne and cider to the music from a nearby dance festival.

Here are some of the photos.  The girls were yoga instructors and surfers, so had quite tidy bodies...


Obviously we had the party at our little camp.  By this time (9pm) several groups of guys started to wander around the beach.  Every now and then one of them would try and come up and have a crack at the girls, but it was funny how they were 'creepy' because they went straight for the girls, where I was 'cool' and part of the gang.

The guy was a super cool surfy dude from tropical North Queensland and I got on well with him.  He had a really interesting life, he's also a property investor just came back from teaching surfing in Nicaragua whilst his wife was teaching yoga.  We traded numbers and hopefully I'll catch up with him again. I headed off to my house party.

At the house party.  Met up with some of my brothers mates.  A houseparty is a great place to meet new people, everyone is already warm as everybody is usually only one or two degrees of separation from anyone else.  In a situation like this I usually start by giving everyone some friendly eye contact and seeing what comes from that.  I locked eyes with this one blond girl.  I don't know how to describe it, but after doing this stuff long enough you end up developing this kind of sixth sense, or intuition, when you just know a girl has a kinky sexual side to her.  Whatever it is, this girl had it.  
I made sure to bump into her later on in the kitchen.  It was just general chit chat but with a flirty subcommunication.  I asked her how she knew everyone.  She said she worked at the local bar and met everyone through there.  Let's call her BarGirl.  I motioned pulling a beer from a tap and said 'Oh, so you'd be good at giving head, right?'  Her jaw dropped, she blushed a little and then confidentially said, 'Yes. I am'.  Right on.  We chatted a little more about  then separated.  She was obviously one of the two hotter single girls at the party so a few guys were having a go.  

There seemed to be only one other guy that had some game.  I went and chatted with him and he was actually a really cool dude.  No surprise really, a big part of having good game is being genuinely cool.  He was rubbing her back and sitting with her, and to the untrained eye doing a great job of making it appear like they were a couple.  I knew they weren't.  

I spied the other hottie making just finishing up in the bathroom so I thought I'd make sure I bump into her there as I was grabbing a drink from the bath (filled with ice and beers).  This girl was very attractive, tall and confident.  I could tell she was a strong woman even though she dressed up very in a very girly fashion.  She kinda looked like the girl from Starship Troopers, not Densie Richards but the tougher chick. StarshipTrooperGirl it is.  I noticed she had dog tags on, one with her name engraved, the other with 'positivity, peace and light' or something similar.  We talked about positive thinking and it's effects.  I was impressed, this girl had depth to her.  I pulled out my phone and grabbed her number.  Just as I was storing it BarGirl walks right in on us.  She made a comment which was basically like 'I just saw that, you know' and walked out.  Hahaha ah well.

I just cruised around and chatted to other people at the party some more.  After a little while I noticed GameGuy and BarGirl were missing.  So was a mate of mine.  I ventured out the front of the house to see where everyone was at.  I walked out onto the balcony and notice GameGuy had isolated BarGirl on the front porch and unintentionally cockblocked the whole thing by hanging around and chatting with my mates who in the street nearby.  Realising nothing was going to happen, GameGuy took BarGirl back out the back to join the rest of the party.  

I went back in.  BarGirl was looking through some CDs to chuck on.  I grabbed her hand and said 'I've got some really good stuff in the car, lets go grab that'.  She followed my lead.  My car wasn't just out the front, it was out the front and about 7 cars up the street.  Perfect isolation.  We chatted at the rear of the car and then went for the makeout.  It was quite passionate, grinding our bodies up to each other.  No doubt she was turned on by how I handled the whole situation.  It was great.  I told her to jump in the front, I had something to show her.  I started the car and drove off.  'Where are we going?'  'I've got something cool to show you, you'll see'.  I drove to my house.  Distance wise it was maybe 5kms away, but the traffic was crazy.  I kept just chatting about nothing really the entire 20 min drive back, can't let any dulls in conversation occur otherwise the logical side of the brain kicks in and it's 'Ummm... no really, where are we going?'.

We got to my place.  I took her upstairs to the kitchen and made out with her some more on the bench.  We went upstairs and things got a little heavier.  We were masturbating each other as I was kissing on her ear lobe.  It drove her wild and her waxed pussy was super wet.  We were about to go all the way when I realised I hadn't showered since my swim.  I told her to lick my arm to tell me if I tasted like beach.  She seductively stared me down as she ran her tounge up my arm.  'Yeah, a little salty'.  'Wait one sec, I'll have a quick shower'.  My bedroom has an ensuite and a walk in shower, so you can kinda half see into the shower from the bed.  A good excuse to turn the lights off.  I made sure it was quick, but it wasn't quick enough.  She ended up getting the 'where are you?' phone call from a friend.  Damn I need that cell phone blocker!  After the shower I climbed over her and started making out again.  She'd cooled off a little, and then when my mate buzzed really loud on my intercom/doorbell 'Hey buddy lets go!' that killed the whole thing.  No big deal, we can finish this another time plus I needed to get this NYE club event, it was like 3am now.  

I dropped her back at the party and my mate and I went to the club.  Nothing interesting here.  Some hotties around but I wanted to catch up with mates, and the handful of girls I did chat with where kinda wasted/exhausted from the nights festivities and things were going nowhere.  I saw this one super sexy woman, dark curly hair, dark eyes, sun kissed faced.  In my tired state I gave her Horsegirl then First Girlfriend.  She was liking it but also just exhausted.  I went for the number but no go and she’s like ‘I’m really sorry, I’d love to stay and chat but I’m about to crash’.

I decided to blow that yawn factory and headed back to an after party.  Now this afterparty was held by one of the DJs, and several of the DJs from the club went back there too, including a big name US guy.  That guy turned out to be not interesting at all, in fact, all a bit high and mighty about his DJ status.  When I introduced myself to him (honestly not knowing who he was) he gave me this weird look, as if I was crazy not to know.  Didn’t really talk to him much but in the end he got quite messy and ended up spewing up in front of everyone after a one too many shots... gross...

So at this party not only do have you these moderately famous DJs, but also their girlfriends.  And in general they are some super hot chicks... like 9s and 10s.  I can’t recall exactly how it all happened, or anything that I did anything consciously however one of them was super flirty with me.  She was a mega sexy door bitch for a really cool Techno club, huge tits, sculpted body and mad fashion.  Problem was, it was all too overt for my liking... I mean I hardly know her boyfriend but it’s pretty poor form to go hitting on his girl.  Naturally if they weren’t together I’d fuck her in a second but there are more than enough eligible single girls out there to even consider going down this fucked up road.  She ended up revealing some deep dark shit about herself (death and rape thoughts (fantasies?)), although everyone talks shit when they’re a bit wasted.

It all got a bit over the top when she insisted I take a number down right in front of everyone (and her BF).  In a sloppy attempt to diffuse the situation I said ‘Hey... why are you giving me this number, I’ve already got number’ (pretending to play dumb), but that only drew more attention to what was already obvious to everyone around.  Hahah... fail.  SexyDoorBitch and her DJ boyfriend ended up arguing in a corner for the remainder of the party and then he de-friended me from Facebook shortly after everyone went home.  Wow... well, with a girl like that, if it’s not me, it’ll probably just be someone else soon.  Feel sorry for the guy but what can I do - I wasn’t doing anything to make that happen, that was just the kavorka that time.

So all in all a super fun night.  No major scores to report, but an awesome time had and super solid leads.  New Years period is gold for meeting new girls.  You can almost guarantee that any girl out that night without a guy is single, everyone is in a super happy mood and those girls that are single just spent a Xmas with their family with no boyfriend at the table so maybe it’s that or something else but they seem to be more open to meeting new guys.  It’s also a good opportunity to ‘Happy New Year!’ text all of your leads (past and present) or past girls you’ve been intimate with and wouldn’t mind getting in touch with again. 

So just from that one night I’m now meeting up with three new girls in the next week... it’s amazing how you can go from ‘I’m looking forward to taking some time off after my draining breakup’ to wondering where I’m going to find the time to see all these girls.  Still not 100% how far I want to take them but I suppose I could have another think about that after I’ve fucked one or two of them.

Welcome 1/1/11!

Friday, January 7

Handling the 'maybe' aka the 'if I'm not too tired'

A fellow coach just wrote a blog post on a very common situation in modern dating.

You: 'OK cool, so how about we catch up after your dinner?'
Her: 'Sure, can I call you after dinner to tell you how I feel, and if I'm not too tired, we can get together?'

Agree to this and she's become a definite, and you're just an option... not a powerful position for you.

This is my take.

Many girls (and high value people) don't want to commit to a social option until the last minute, unless it's something huge.  Especially young, hot girls who have more social options than they have time and energy and especially a potentially awkward thing like meeting up with a new guy (she's yet to discover how fully awesome he is).   

When I'm presented with this situation I respond with a similar 'Oh hey that's cool, because I was going to do xyz.  Let's just check in later and see how we feel at the time'.

At this stage I'll try and arrange something else, potentially with other girls or even just hanging out with a mate.

If I do arrange something else that is better, I'll do that and send her a very nice cancel text - 'Hey, a friend of mine is demanding I go out with her, I figured you wouldn't mind as you'd probably be tired.  If you're not you're welcome to join us if you want'.  If she complains I'd say something like 'Hey next time, if you can do a definite I'll be a definite' (with genuine politeness, naturally).

This will help train her to realise that unless she commits, I won't commit, and once you cancel on a girl 9 times out of 10 they start chasing even more ('wow, nobody cancels on me, he must have options').  It can be scary to say no to a girl like this.  Isn't there some ancient wisdom out there, something along the lines of 'if you want something you must let it go free'?

If I haven't arranged something better, when the time comes I'll text or call 'Enjoy the dinner?'.

If she replies 'Great, but really tired.  Raincheck?'

I'd reply 'Oh good, because I just bumped into an old friend and she's insisting on buying me a drink.  I don't feel so bad now about having to cancel.  Rest up and you'll have to tell me about it sometime'.

I'd then just do something else.  There are plenty of other productive things I can do if I find myself with spare time.

Is it stupid game playing?  Yes.  But that's the unfortunate reality in my view for gaming certain girls.

Sometimes it's not about questioning or demanding certain standards of behaviour from people who are too young, inconsiderate or lazy to follow, it's about doing what's fair and effective.

I always give people the benefit of the doubt and try and make plans properly - but I'm not going to give my power away.

If a girl gives me a wishy washy 'Yeah, maybe', that's exactly what I'll give her in return (and follow through with).

If she gives me a solid commitment that's great and that's what I'll give her in return.

Dale P.

Handling the 'maybe' aka the 'if I'm not too tired'

A fellow dating coach just wrote a blog post on a very common situation in modern dating.

You: 'OK cool, so how about we catch up after your dinner?'
Her: 'Sure, can I call you after dinner to tell you how I feel, and if I'm not too tired, we can get together?'

Agree to this and she's become a definite, and you're just an option... not a powerful position for you.

This is my take.

Many girls (and high value people) don't want to commit to a social option until the last minute, unless it's something huge.  Especially young, hot girls who have more social options than they have time and energy and especially a potentially awkward thing like meeting up with a new guy (she's yet to discover fully how awesome I am).   

When I'm presented with this situation I respond with a similar 'Oh hey that's cool, because I was going to do xyz.  Let's just check in later and see how we feel at the time'.

At this stage I'll try and arrange something else, potentially with other girls or even just hanging out with a mate.

If I do arrange something else that is better, I'll do that and send her a very nice cancel text - 'Hey, a friend of mine is demanding I go out with her, I figured you wouldn't mind as you'd probably be tired.  If you're not you're welcome to join us if you want'.  If she complains I'd say something like 'Hey next time, if you can do a definite I'll be a definite' (with genuine politeness, naturally).

This will help train her to realise that unless she commits, I won't commit, and once you cancel on a girl 9 times out of 10 they start chasing even more ('wow, nobody cancels on me, he must have options').  It can be scary to say no to a girl like this.  Isn't there some ancient wisdom out there, something along the lines of 'if you want something you must let it go free'?

If I haven't arranged something better, when the time comes I'll text or call 'Enjoy the dinner?'.

If she replies 'Great, but really tired.  Raincheck?'

I'd reply 'Oh good, because I just bumped into an old friend and she's insisting on buying me a drink.  I don't feel so bad now about having to cancel.  Rest up and you'll have to tell me about it sometime'.

I'd then just do something else.  There are plenty of other productive things I can do if I find myself with spare time.

Is it stupid game playing?  Yes.  But that's the unfortunate reality in my view for gaming certain girls.

Sometimes it's not about questioning or demanding certain standards of behaviour from people who are too young, inconsiderate or lazy to follow, it's about doing what's fair and effective.

I always give people the benefit of the doubt and try and make plans properly - but I'm not going to give my power away.

If a girl gives me a wishy washy 'Yeah, maybe', that's exactly what I'll give her in return (and follow through with).

If she gives me a solid commitment that's great and that's what I'll give her in return.

Dale P.

Saturday, January 1

You know what's really cool? How women are so different and awesome in those different ways.

I see a smokin' chick and I'm like damn, she's just my type too. Then you meet another girl and that happens all over again.

Welcome 2011!